Greetings all
First post here so be nice.
I've spent the last few days / weeks getting AutoCAD to deploy via GPO and have run into a few issues so thought I'd post the solutions here. This is still development work so please don't take it as gospel just yet! 
The missing "adui18res.dll" file is because the msi package didn't copy down the file from in admin install point. In my case not only did it miss this but about 500 other files from there. These missing files were also chm's that were preventing the help and "new features workshop" from working.
I wrote an xcopy script to download the extra files like this -
REM check if done previously
if exist “c:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2010\dllsynch.flg” exit else
goto copy
REM synchronise dll files from install point
start /wait xcopy /d/e/h/c/y “\\domain\dfs\it\Deployment\ACAD2010_Fixed\AdminImage\x86\acad\en-us\Acad\Program Files\Root” “c:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2010\”
REM create dllsynch.flg to prevent rerun.
echo done > “c:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2010\dllsynch.flg”
I've run into two main issues with sub-applications not being installed by the package. These are the latest version of DirectX and the 2008 C++ Redist package. The C++ package was just a case of grabbing the download from MS and attaching the msi to the deployment GPO. The DirectX update was a bit of a nightmare and I've only got working via a startup script. That looks like this:
REM Check if dxwebsetup.exe exists already
if exist %windir%\system32\DirectX\DXWebSetup.exe exit else
REM make folder and copy down base installer
md %windir%\system32\DirectX
xcopy /c/y \\domain\dfs\it\deployment\directx\dxwebsetup.exe %windir%\system32\DirectX\
REM install DirectX
%windir%\system32\DirectX\DXWebSetup.exe /c:”DXwSetup.exe /windowsupdate” /q /r:n
After that it has been the ever lovely .NET 3.5 SP1 issue which has cropped up on other applications. In AutoCAD that produces fatal stop errors of which AutoDesk is aware and point you at the MS site to download the SP again. Personally I've had iffy results with the web based setup.exe but downloading the standalone package seems to nail all the tricky ones. Unfortunately this is about 240Mb so it's not exactly something you can just whiz over to people. The only copy I've managed to find so far is here but I hope MS have it on their site too somewhere. If you find it, please let me know and I'll alter this.
Other than those minor issues and getting them to deploy / install in order it has been the usual AutoCAD install, ie: fiddly as hell!! I'm keeping an almost running diary going on my blog if anyone wants to keep up with my progress ..... and I will get this working smoothly via GPO!