Hey all,
Just getting started with AutoLISP.
At work we don't use sheets but layouts instead. Perhaps it's not the most proper way but that's the way it is. We find layouts are faster since each person completes 15-20 multi-page projects a day.
Considering the volume of work I want to automate some things, like populating fields.
The subject of this thread is getting a text object to display a page count such as "3 of 5"
I Googled the subject and you may be quick to point out that similar sounding questions have been asked before. Maybe not quite.
What I have:
(setq layout_count_var (length(layoutlist)))
in acaddoc.lsp happily returns the count of layout tabs, but that's only half of the solution.
I found a suggested solution that used DieselExpression, BUT. IT. JUST. DIDN'T. WORK.
Is there an AutoLISP solution to make a text object (in each layout) display a layout tab's order number?
I use AutoCAD 2018 if it matters.
Insight is appreciated.