I just stumbled on this in the autodesk web site. Not sure if anyone knew about it.

AutoCAD 2009 Bonus Pack 1
Before I bring this to a close I want to make sure you know about the release of the first Bonus Pack for AutoCAD 2009. This is only available to subscription customers and adds new functionality to AutoCAD, including:
  • Enhanced measurement tools
  • The ability to reverse polylines and rotate viewports
  • Conversion of SPLINES to polylines
  • Updates to PURGE to remove zero-length geometry and empty text objects
I know I've seen a few posts about people wanting to convert splines to plines. Apparantly, this bonus pack will do it. I'm not sure if you can run it on ACA or not.

I also found this:

quicker and more thorough method for cleaning drawings is to use the new Regapp ID Cleanup Utility. Using this utility you can remove unreferenced regapp IDs from multiple files (or folders of files) AND from any xrefs that are attached to those files – and all in one operation. Since the utility runs outside of AutoCAD, it can clean more drawings in far less time than manual purging or even purging using a script.

Because of the way regapp IDs can spread to other drawings during xref attachment, this utility provides a good triage step for companies who get unknown drawings in from consultants and vendors and want ensure they are free of unreferenced regapp IDs before putting them on their networks for public consumption