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Thread: Transitioning Between 2 Grading Ojects

  1. #1
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    Exclamation Transitioning Between 2 Grading Ojects

    I am working on the inside of a storage Pond One side has a slope of 3:1 to the Bottom of the pond. The other slope is 10:1, however I cannot get the two grading objects (which have been created in different grading groups) to transition between one and other. I go through the transitioning procedure but when I get to the last command and press enter, nothing happens to show that my grading objects have been joined together. And when I create my surface and look at my surface in the object viewer it is showing me that my objects have been joined, but without the corner being shown. Hopefully this makes sense.
    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    All AUGI, all the time brian.hailey933139's Avatar
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    Default Re: Transitioning Between 2 Grading Ojects

    It's really hard to follow what you are referring to. Could you post pictures?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Transitioning Between 2 Grading Ojects

    Ryan....I to have struggled with transitions. What I do in these situations is to create two differnt grading objects for these scenarios. In your case one would be at a 3:1 and the other would be at a 10:1.

  4. #4
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Default Re: Transitioning Between 2 Grading Ojects

    You may have alredy tried this, but have you tried different transition distances when you are prompted inside the command? I think the default is like 10' (at least that is what mine says when I am trying to transition two grading objects at different slopes.)

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