I have a lisp that selects a block and gets all the attribute tags and values and writes them to a list.
I would also like to write the Prompt string to a list, but there does not appear to be a entity group code for Prompt like there is for Tag and Value. Anyone have any ideas
Here is my code:
(defun c:attlist (/ taglist vallist blkatt BORSS ename ATTAG ATTVAL
attcurtag attcurval get_blk blkename)
(setq get_blk
(car (entsel "\nPick a BLOCK to find the Attribute Tag and Value: "))
(setq BORSS (entget get_blk))
(if (= (cdr (assoc 0 BORSS)) "INSERT")
(setq blkatt BORSS)
(setq blkename (cdr (assoc -1 blkatt)))
(if (= (cdr (assoc 66 blkatt)) 1)
(while (/= "SEQEND" (cdr (assoc 0 blkatt)))
(setq ATTAG (cdr (assoc 2 blkatt))) ;Definition
(setq ATTVAL (cdr (assoc 1 blkatt))) ;value
(setq attcurtag (list ATTAG))
(setq attcurval (list ATTVAL))
(setq taglist (append attcurtag taglist))
(setq vallist (append attcurval vallist))
(setq blkatt (entget (setq blkename (entnext blkename))))
(if vallist (setq vallist (cdr (reverse vallist))))
(if taglist (setq taglist (cdr (reverse taglist))))
(princ "\nValues: ")
(print vallist)
(princ "\nTags: ")
(print taglist)