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Thread: Question on Missing Icon Pictures on Ribbon

  1. #1
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    Default Question on Missing Icon Pictures on Ribbon


    I don't know if this is a Civil 3D glitch or what. I have noticed this for a while now. It hasn't bothered me because I have most of the locations for ribbon buttons memorized. But today I was using the "table" ribbon and almost all the icons are missing.

    I have not modified the CUI file in any way. I am using one of the provided profiles.

    Please see the attached document for a screen shot of the problem. The first shot shows the "home" ribbon. If you look under the "modify" panel you will see empty squares with no icons.

    The second shot shows the table ribbon. Almost all the icon images are missing.

    Does anyone else have this problem?


    PS I am using Civil 3D - 2009
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  2. #2
    Administrator BlackBox's Avatar
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    Default Re: Question on Missing Icon Pictures on Ribbon

    It appears as though you are missing a *.dll from the support folder which provides the icons.

    What does it say in the CUI Editor, when you expand the Tables Ribbon Tab, and look at a button's icon & icon name? Does the icon display at all?
    "How we think determines what we do, and what we do determines what we get."

    Sincpac C3D ~ Autodesk Exchange Apps

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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Question on Missing Icon Pictures on Ribbon

    Thanks for your response.

    I went into the CIVIL CUI. This is the CUI file that came with the program. There are a couple of other CUI files, but I have never used them.

    In the CIVIL CUI the ribbon tab on the left would not expand. So I checked within the workspace contents on the right. Under the ribbon tab there is not an "tables" ribbon tab to expand. I clicked on "tools" but still no button icons shown. I am not sure where to look to find the button icon and icon name.

    Sorry, I am not too familiar with the CUI.

    I have attached a screen shot.

    Thanks for you help.
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  4. #4
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    Default Re: Question on Missing Icon Pictures on Ribbon

    "Danger Will Robinson!"

    First - I suggest that your Corporate CAD Manager not have you adding your customizations to the Civil CUI... instead you should be adding your customizations to some sort of 'Custom' CUI.

    I do not believe that to be the issue at hand, but it certainly invites big trouble down-the-road.

    If you need help on that, search the forums here at AUGI, there have been many threads on this topic, look for some that include posts by RobertB. If you don't find what you need, let me know.

    :: BACK ON TOPIC ::

    The reason I had you checking the left for the Tables tab, is because I *believe* it is contextual, meaning it only appears (in the Ribbon) when needed.

    Your screen shot shows me that your have partial CUI's loaded (see the bottom of the stack, in the upper left pane in the CUI Editor), I believe one of them (the partial CUI's) may have the Tables tab (ACAD.cui, perhaps?).
    "How we think determines what we do, and what we do determines what we get."

    Sincpac C3D ~ Autodesk Exchange Apps

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    Default Re: Question on Missing Icon Pictures on Ribbon

    Unfortunately, No Cad Manager or training at my firm. It is just learn as you go in your spare time. Are you saying that I shouldn't add custom workspaces to the CIVIL.CUI file? I haven't made any other customizations. Thanks for the information. I will search the forums for more inforation and pass it along to others in my firm.
    Last edited by Milissa; 2010-09-29 at 06:35 PM. Reason: remove thumbnail

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Question on Missing Icon Pictures on Ribbon

    Yes, I think you are right, the "tables" ribbon is contextual. It only pops up when I double click on a table.

    I searched the ACAD.CUI partial file and found a "tables" ribbon, but it looks nothing like the "tables" ribbon that is activiated when clicking on a table.

    You can see it on the screen shot. The tables ribbon with missing icons screen shot is in the orginial post.

    Thanks for all your help RenderMan.
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  7. #7
    Administrator BlackBox's Avatar
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    Default Re: Question on Missing Icon Pictures on Ribbon

    Quote Originally Posted by mengland.110900 View Post
    Unfortunately, No Cad Manager or training at my firm. It is just learn as you go in your spare time. Are you saying that I shouldn't add custom workspaces to the CIVIL.CUI file? I haven't made any other customizations. Thanks for the information. I will search the forums for more information and pass it along to others in my firm.
    No worries.

    There are many 'models' if you will, for providing users the appropriate channels for customization without 'accidentally' causing harm to core files. Here are just a couple of options:

    One method of many, is to have Civil.cui loaded as your Enterprise CUI (See Options > Files tab > Customization Files node), and have ACAD.cui, and others loaded as partial CUI file into Civil.cui, using the Main CUI as the user customizable file.

    Another is to have Civil.cui loaded as the Main CUI, and create a 'Custom.cui' which is loaded into your Main CUI (Civil.cui?) as a partial CUI file.

    Regardless of the method you choose, the overall benefit for having some sort of 'Custom.cui' is that (1) no enterprise files are mistakenly damaged, and (2) all customizations are portable. You getting a new computer? Save you 'Custom.cui' before it gets there, load it as a partial, and voilà, you're already back to work (with you customizations)

    To create a new CUI file, open the CUI Editor, and on the Transfer tab, on the right side pull-down menu, Save As and select a location for your 'Custom.cui' that you'll remember. Switch back to the Customize tab, and right+click the Main CUI's (Civil.cui?) Partial CUI Files node, and select Load partial customization file.
    "How we think determines what we do, and what we do determines what we get."

    Sincpac C3D ~ Autodesk Exchange Apps

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