I've a Revit 2013 Server host successfully running on a Windows 2008R2 server in my main office and I now need to set up an accelerator server in a remote office.
Unfortunately this is an Windows 2012 Server (iis 8) and undocumented in Wikihelp - I have also been told this architecture is unsupported by Autodesk.
Does anyone on the forum have any experience in getting this to work?
My experience so far is this:
- all of the ASP/IIS pre-requisites can be satisfied in the 2012 server Add Roles environment.
- RS2013 installs without any issue.
- The accelerator then displays in the revitserveradmin2013 page with an Unavailable red cross next to it.
- if I investigate the website in IIS and try to browse any of the .svc files (in content view mode) I get an HTTP 404.3 error. I had the same on the 2008R2 install and resolved it by using aspnet_regiis.exe -i for IIS 7.5. This is unavailable in IIS 8.
- Average ping time between the sites is 25ms and there is a fully functional and open VPN
I may need to install a 2008R2 VM but I'd rather not if I don't have to. Any help from other forum members appreciated.