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Thread: VI11-1: Autodesk® VIZ Materials: Gilding the Lily

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    Default VI11-1: Autodesk® VIZ Materials: Gilding the Lily

    Instructor: Ted Boardman – tbdesign

    Class Description: Materials, together with lighting, are the most important elements of your visualization projects. Whether you're striving for realistic or nonrealistic renderings, you must be quick and efficient at applying convincing materials that satisfy the needs of your particular audience. Learn about the new Autodesk VIZ 2005 Architectural material type that enables you to quickly apply good materials in a scene. We'll discuss the importance of seeing materials in the real world, then using Autodesk VIZ material and map types in the rendered scene to simulate your perceptions. Using materials to simulate geometry is an important method of working efficiently. Come learn about methods to enhance the look or the geometry of your models. This class is for users who want to move beyond the basics of creating and applying materials to achieve a more convincing and personalized rendering style.
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