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Thread: Cannot start Autodesk recap

  1. #1
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    Angry Cannot start Autodesk recap

    I have a brand new dell computer. It is a laptop. It has an NVIDIA video card on it. quaddro k1000m to be exact. I cannot launch recap. I cannot start the program. Whenever I run it and I click to load a file, it exits and shows me the dialogue box to report the error to Autodesk. Since reporting errors is like talking to a wall, I am here at AUGI if anyone has a similar problem and has been able to figure out why. as soon as I click on the file to open I get the error. I have already tried updating to the latest "patch" sp1 or whatever it is. that has not worked.

  2. #2
    Certified AUGI Addict cadtag's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cannot start Autodesk recap

    If you are on subscription, i'd suggest logging a web support request there. If not, it's going to be trickier - since recap is a brand new toy and no one has a huge amount of experience with it. If not on sub, then start harassing your reseller for answers.

    That said, let's check some basics --when recap closes do you get any information other than the CER (Customer Error Reporting) form?
    Are you running Win7 or Win8? 32bit or 64bit?
    Is 360 running ion Windows start? if so can you configure it to not do that. Is content service running, and if so - can you disable it?
    Are you certain that the Nvidia card is actually being used by Recap - is there any way to toally disable the Intel graphics in BIOS? Note - I don't have a dell laptop, but they seem to have 'issues' using the extra graphics....
    Was this installed using a local admin account? antivirus disabled?
    What shows up in the Event Viewer logs when recap closes unhappily?
    Try runninng Process Monitor (free download and install from Microsoft) while you start Recap, and look in those logs for information on conflicts, etc.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Cannot start Autodesk recap

    Thanks for the reply.

    It is win 7 x64
    brand new dell laptop.
    Installed all the 2014 software on the default settings.
    Yes 360 is running on start. I'll try disabling.
    I have no clue how to disable the video card in BIOS on this laptop. I'll have to think if it is really worth the trouble.
    admin account installed. Antivirus disabled.
    Will try process monitor but this program is really making me wonder if it is worth the hassle.


  4. #4
    Certified AUGI Addict cadtag's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cannot start Autodesk recap

    My best guess, and that's all it is, is that the intel onboard video is the problem. First machine I tried to run ReCap on failed because the video in that box did not support the OpenGL version required by ReCap. That did give me an error message though, so at least I knew why it failed.

    See heath.simones thread below for additional info

    As to whether it's worth it or not - I suppose the answer would be whether you get point clloud infio in or not. I don't - so I really don't see any use for it at this point. Your mileage may vary...

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