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Thread: Tsunami Early Warning System

  1. #1
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    Default Tsunami Early Warning System

    I wish to introduce myself as Engineer Inventor in Bangalore, India. I have designed an Tsunami Early Warning System and am in the process of manufacturing the prototype.I would therefore be grateful to recieve the interest and cooperation of other members with similar background in the marine field as this invention is based on submersible design with modifications to be effective as an Tsunami Early Warning System for which a Patent Application is being filed in India.I would also be graterful to recieve the email ID of Mr. Graham Hawkes and his company as I consider him to be the pioneer in Submersible technology and would like to purchase some of his equipment.I welcome suggestions and ideas from like minded people who may be working on finding Tsunami Warning systems that could prevent the loss to life and property by Tsunami disasters of the future.
    Kind regards,
    Vijiam Joshua

  2. #2
    I could stop if I wanted to Ron Oldenbeuving's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tsunami Early Warning System

    Hi Vijiam.
    Please note I've *moved* this thread from the Inventor Presentations Forum to this one as I feel this particular Forum is a more appropriate place for such a topic.

    Thanks, Ron
    Last edited by Ron Oldenbeuving; 2005-05-20 at 06:35 AM.

  3. #3
    Administrator richard.binning's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tsunami Early Warning System

    We don't have a skunk werx type of forum for inventor although, based on this post, I can see the need for one. I placed it here since it'll probably get the most play.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Tsunami Early Warning System

    Although I am unable to help you as I am a simple arch. drafter, I want to let you know good job on trying to pioneer ahead, and good luck on your endeavors.

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