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Thread: ED416-3: Engaging Engineering Students by Bringing Applied Mechanics to Life with Autodesk® Inventor®

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    Default ED416-3: Engaging Engineering Students by Bringing Applied Mechanics to Life with Autodesk® Inventor®

    Session: ED416-3

    Title: Engaging Engineering Students by Bringing Applied Mechanics to Life with Autodesk® Inventor®

    Instructors: Doris Fischer with Alex Brezing

    Course Description: This class will demonstrate how classical instruction of applied mechanics can be more engaging for today's students using visually stimulating animation models with Autodesk Inventor. Existing classical curricula in applied mechanics can be enhanced, without modification, by applying visual instruction using Autodesk Inventor. This allows the engineering student to more easily grasp complex engineering theorems and spatial exercises by creating 3D visual imagery that replaces static 2D textbook imagery. No knowledge of Autodesk Inventor is necessary by the teacher or the student. In this class, a live demonstration will show you how such animation models can be developed in Autodesk Inventor, and the ease with which these teaching tools can be developed. We will discuss a variety of ways these animation models can be developed and distributed for the benefit of the worldwide university community.
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