Is there a way to make the name of the profile surface name default to what the surface name is instead of "Surface 47"
as shown in image
Is there a way to make the name of the profile surface name default to what the surface name is instead of "Surface 47"
as shown in image
Yes you can. Open Toolspace and go to the Settings tab. Select Profile and then Edit Feature Settings from a right click menu. In those settings is a section for default naming template. Surface name is on of the items you can add to the naming template.
Profile name template.png
While I realize this post is over a year old, but I am hoping someone can help as I am having a similar issue: I have set my Profile Name Template to pull in the Sampled Surface Name and Next Counter, but it is still naming all the surfaces sampled in profiles to the generic Surface (#). I have set the template parameters, restarted AutoCAD, and it still names it the generic format. Is there some other setting that I am missing?
Under Toolspace, Settings, Profile, Commands:
What happens if you change Profile Name Template for CreateProfileFromSurface Command to what you want for an existing Profile from surface, and then change same for CreateProfileLayout Command to what you want for a proposed Profile for an Alignment?
"How we think determines what we do, and what we do determines what we get."
Sincpac C3D ~ Autodesk Exchange Apps
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Dell Precision 5860, Xeon W7-2495X, 128GB RAM, Dual PCIe 4.0 M.2 SSD (RAID 0), 20GB NVIDIA RTX 4000 ADA
@BlackBox: Thank you for replying, but both of these settings, under command, are set to the format that I would like to see for naming the profiles, but it still doesn't change how the profiles are named...had my fingers crossed for a moment, as I know CAD hides these settings in quite a few locations!
"How we think determines what we do, and what we do determines what we get."
Sincpac C3D ~ Autodesk Exchange Apps
Computer Specs:
Dell Precision 5860, Xeon W7-2495X, 128GB RAM, Dual PCIe 4.0 M.2 SSD (RAID 0), 20GB NVIDIA RTX 4000 ADA
so this is what my settings are (in all of the commands and the profile feature settings (first image), and this is how if keeps showing up in when I add a surface to my profile (second image; excuse the named one, as it is a named profile attached to the alignment). I am starting to wonder if I need to uninstall and reinstall 2023, as there are some other weird things happening in the program.
What does your settings state for the CreateProfileFromSurface command? Does it override the Feature Settings default?
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All of the command settings are the same as the Profile Feature Setting (I double checked all of them). I tried locking it, and that didn't work either.
Ok, so true to its form, CAD is killing me. After the reply from @Opie, I went in and overrode the settings for CreateProfileFromSurface to something similar to what I wanted, it didn't change anything, so I went back in and unchecked the Override check box, and now it is naming correctly... I don't know if I just woke something up or what! But this is now if anyone else has this issue, try overriding the Feature Settings and then unchecking the Override check box...
Thank you to everyone that offered help with this! Hopefully it keeps working correctly from here on out!![]()