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Thread: autodesk impression doesn't import blocks

  1. #1
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    Default autodesk impression doesn't import blocks


    I'm using autoCAD 2009 and Autodesk Impression 3

    There is one constant problem I have. When I try to import a .dwg file into Impression, it sometimes simply don't import all the layers, usually it do not import some of the blocks but do import others, I really don't understand where could be a problem. And when I try to get those blocks by "update CAD geometry" a message pops out saying
    "Some of the associated DWG layers for the Impression layers you have selected are now set to be off, frozen, or turned off for plotting. Do you still want to refresh cad geometry from these layers?"
    But when I open the file in CAD, these layers are all on, non-frozen and not turned off for plotting either. I hope you can help me with that.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: autodesk impression doesn't import blocks

    If you are using Windows 7 make sure you have the hotfix for Impression installed. just a guess. Make sure none of your layer are locked or set to not print. It sounds like you have tried this already though.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: autodesk impression doesn't import blocks

    Thanks, I've already found out what the problem was. The only bug was in layer's colour. You have to have only basic CAD colours on layers (f.e. magenta, cyan, atc) otherwise it won't work. I hope this will help others struggling with the same issue.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: autodesk impression doesn't import blocks

    Yes, I also encountered such a problem, I did not find the answer, so I decided to just score on it

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