Alternative 2: Migration using Windows shell (for advanced users only)
The migration utility is called AdMigrator.exe and is in the AutoCAD program folder. For example:
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 20xx\AdMigrator.exe
For the versions of AutoCAD that do not have "Migrate From a Previous Release," double-click the AdMigrator.exe utility to see if it will allow settings to migrate.
It is probably necessary to designate a specific target for the utility by creating a shortcut. To do this:
Right-click-drag AdMigrator.exe to the desktop (or other usable folder) and choose "Create shortcuts here."
Right-click the shortcut and choose Properties.
At the end of the contents of the Target field, type in a /product parameter:
AutoCAD Electrical = /product "ACADE"
AutoCAD Mechanical = /product "ACADM"
AutoCAD Plant 3D = /product "PLNT3D"
AutoCAD Map 3D = /product "MAP"
AutoCAD Civil 3D = /product "C3D"
Other parameters:
"s" = silent mode
"i" = import
"e" = export
"file" = the zipped configuraton file, structure: <path>\<name>.zip
"language" = for example "de-DE" or "en-ENU"
The entire Target field should read as follows, including quotes, using AutoCAD Electrical 2020, German version, for example:
"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2020\AdMigrator.exe" /product "ACADE" /e /file "C:\temp\" /language "de-DE"