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Thread: Cannot cut toposolid with anything

  1. #1
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    Angry Cannot cut toposolid with anything

    Hello, I am really not impressed with Revit's new toposolid, as I simply cannot cut a building pad out of it. My task is simple, make a hole for the building. I have tried model in place voids and solids to cut with and creating families using generic model solids and voids. Here is what I have tried:
    1. I can't create a model in place void due to this error message "Some Void Forms of this family do not cut anything and will be deleted. To make a Void Form cut something else use the Cut Geometry tool."
    2. I created a toposolid in the shape of the hole, but Revit will not let me select it as an object to cut with when using the cut command.
    3. I have tried creating a solid void as a family, bring it into my model, again Revit will not allow me to cut with it.

    Someone, please tell me how I am supposed to cut earth away from my building so it does not show up show up in section views. This is driving me bonkers and wasting a lot of time.

  2. #2
    All AUGI, all the time Duncan Lithgow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cannot cut toposolid with anything

    Does this link help? Unfortunately I can't test it since at the moment I'm stuck on Revit LT.

    It can be very helpful when asking questions which probably are answered somewhere to show what you have already researched. Otherwise you might find that no one bothers to reply since it looks like you haven't done any research yourself.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Cannot cut toposolid with anything

    Thanks Duncan for your reply. I did many searches online and through AUGI threads and cannot find a solution. The link you provided is info I have already found, but the problem is that the steps provided simply are not working. Voids are not cutting the topo solid.
    I did find a very time consuming workaround; place an outline of the 'pad' I want, put in spot elevations at each corner, take a screen shot. Then modify the toposolid shape to have pad 'hole'. Then go back and modify sub-elements using the spot elevations in my screenshot.

    It's a terrible process, and either I am missing something obvious or Autodesk really needs to work this out better.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Cannot cut toposolid with anything

    Go to the Modify Ribbon. Then click "cut". Then select the slab then select the toposolid. It should cut and you can still move the toposolid around freely.

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