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Thread: Pass values into DLL CommandMethod

  1. #1
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    Question Pass values into DLL CommandMethod

    I'm still searching for the best solution for my task.

    Part of my requirements is to use data from my custom .exe (WinForms .NET Application) for populating DWG border information (Block Reference with Attributes).

    If I go down the .NET API route using NETLOAD to add my custom .DLL, how can I get data out of my .exe. The only thing I've thought of at the moment is to have a .txt or .csv files of fixed name/location that the .DLL looks at for values to use and my .exe write to that file before calling the drawings and NETLOAD.

    Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Administrator Ed Jobe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pass values into DLL CommandMethod

    It would be nice if you could explain your process better, e.g. what do you need a custom dll for? You ask how to do specific things, but maybe that's not the best way. Please explain what you want to do.
    C:> ED WORKING....


  3. #3
    Administrator BlackBox's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pass values into DLL CommandMethod

    Quote Originally Posted by atomicpetrie823619 View Post
    I'm still searching for the best solution for my task.

    Part of my requirements is to use data from my custom .exe (WinForms .NET Application) for populating DWG border information (Block Reference with Attributes).

    If I go down the .NET API route using NETLOAD to add my custom .DLL, how can I get data out of my .exe. The only thing I've thought of at the moment is to have a .txt or .csv files of fixed name/location that the .DLL looks at for values to use and my .exe write to that file before calling the drawings and NETLOAD.
    ... Or you could instead simply develop your .NET plugin (.DLL) and have Core Console load your .NET assembly for each drawing in parallel.
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