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Thread: Wish list: hole chart in drawings

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Default Wish list: hole chart in drawings

    I would like to have more control over the hole chart. For example, I'd like to be able to specify different numbers of decimal places/different dimension styles for different holes in the chart. Also, I'd like to be able to add notes to particular holes.

    This would be especially useful when dimensioning baseplates and frames, since I could add notes like "near side" and "far side" to clarify for the machine shop - one smudge of grease on the print and they can't tell which side a tapped hole is on.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Wish list: hole chart in drawings

    I agree with your wish.
    More ability to modify the chart as needed.

    With R10, you can add information. right click on the hole you want to edit, move your cursor to edit, then select edit description text. you can now add text to that one hole.

  3. #3
    Manufacturing Moderator jonathan.landeros's Avatar
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    Los Angeles County, Ca.

    Default Re: Wish list: hole chart in drawings

    Quote Originally Posted by diane.peters
    I would like to have more control over the hole chart. For example, I'd like to be able to specify different numbers of decimal places/different dimension styles for different holes in the chart. Also, I'd like to be able to add notes to particular holes.

    This would be especially useful when dimensioning baseplates and frames, since I could add notes like "near side" and "far side" to clarify for the machine shop - one smudge of grease on the print and they can't tell which side a tapped hole is on.
    You can change the precision of an individual location cell by right clicking on a cell (I think this started in R10). Although being able to control individual hole styles would be nice.
    Jonathan Landeros
    KETIV Technologies
    Orange County, California.

    I've got a blog:

    “We have now left Reason and Sanity Junction.Next stop, Looneyville.” -Bob the Skull in the Dresden Files

  4. #4

    Default Re: Wish list: hole chart in drawings

    I would like to use tolerance with the coordinates too and not only with the diameter of the hole.

  5. #5
    Join Date

    Default Re: Wish list: hole chart in drawings

    I would like to also be able to control the way the holes get numbered in the chart, not only by size of hole but also by location.

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