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Thread: Quality Construction Documents

  1. #1
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    Post Quality Construction Documents

    Greetings everyone,
    As a new user, I am interested to hear if anyone knows someone who has put up images from a graphically beautiful CD set on the web. When I say graphically beautiful, I mean a set that doesn't appear "flat" and has rigorous control over both the graphics and documentation. Any help in this regard would be appreciated. Thanks

  2. #2
    I could stop if I wanted to sleimgruber06's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quality Construction Documents

    Nobody that I know of has done this because of security reasons, meaning you can't have public knowledge of your building inside and out, floating around... I don't know, maybe that's just my opinion or maybe just the Industry I work in.

  3. #3
    I could stop if I wanted to TroyGates's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quality Construction Documents

    Having seen many sets of documents created with Revit, I agree. Most companies do not want their documents publicly available on the internet. I think the best way to see some completed documentation is to find a local Revit Users Group. I'm sure there will be plenty of Revit users there that would show you a set or partial set of their plans.

  4. #4
    I could stop if I wanted to sleimgruber06's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quality Construction Documents

    Quote Originally Posted by TroyGates
    ... find a local Revit Users Group. I'm sure there will be plenty of Revit users there that would show you a set or partial set of their plans.
    YES! Local User Groups are great sources of information and a great opportunity to ask questions and recieve feedback from other architecture firms in your area. Search for local user groups in your area using AUGI up at the top of the page.

  5. #5
    All AUGI, all the time robert.manna's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quality Construction Documents

    Quote Originally Posted by paul.meco
    Greetings everyone,
    As a new user, I am interested to hear if anyone knows someone who has put up images from a graphically beautiful CD set on the web. When I say graphically beautiful, I mean a set that doesn't appear "flat" and has rigorous control over both the graphics and documentation. Any help in this regard would be appreciated. Thanks
    They are out there, and I have seen them.....

    Other than that, yeah, LUG's....


  6. #6
    Early Adopter sbrown's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quality Construction Documents

    Send me a PM with an ftp site that I can upload to and I will send you a dwf set or 2.
    Scott D. Brown, AIA
    Senior Project Manager | Associate


  7. #7
    I could stop if I wanted to Shaun v Rooyen's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quality Construction Documents

    Quote Originally Posted by paul.meco
    Greetings everyone,
    As a new user, I am interested to hear if anyone knows someone who has put up images from a graphically beautiful CD set on the web. When I say graphically beautiful, I mean a set that doesn't appear "flat" and has rigorous control over both the graphics and documentation. Any help in this regard would be appreciated. Thanks

    Here is a small example of a project we did about a year ago, with a few decent images. Just page down to Nov 15Revit Family Man blog

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