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Thread: Measure, List, Area, Inquiry in TrueView, now that Design Review is free

  1. #1
    Certified AUGI Addict cadtag's Avatar
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    Default Measure, List, Area, Inquiry in TrueView, now that Design Review is free

    Since ADR is now going to be a free product, there doesn't seem to be any rationale at all for _not_ including the basic inquiry commands, DIST, AREA, LIST, and so on in the True View viewer. Previously, including measurement tools may have threatened ADR sales, but since the revenue generated by both apps is the same, adding basic inquiry functions into True view seems to a desirable thing. At least, if you are an Autodesk customer it does.

  2. #2
    I could stop if I wanted to scott.sheppard's Avatar
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    Default Re: Measure, List, Area, Inquiry in TrueView, now that Design Review is free

    Autodesk DWG TrueView is created and released by the AutoCAD team. Let's see what they develop.

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