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Thread: Sort order of files when opening drawing files in AutoCAD 2008

  1. #1
    Active Member jeff.garr's Avatar
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    Default Sort order of files when opening drawing files in AutoCAD 2008

    We are have trouble with the files (only from AutoCAD) not sorting in ascending or descending order. They are all jumbled up. They appear this way if you try to open a file directly from AutoCAD or through Windows Explorer. Is this an AutoCAD issue? We have asked our IT department and they have never seen it before and feel it is not a Windows issue. We are using ACAD 2008 and Windows XP. It only appears to be doing it in directories with quite a few files in it- almost like too may layers and using "maxsort" to correct- but maxsort does not work for this problem....

  2. #2
    The Silent Type Mike.Perry's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sort order of files when opening drawing files in AutoCAD 2008


    For starters, take a look at the following...

    ID: TS52820 - Sort order of drawing names, layers, and blocks in dialog boxes

    Have a good one, Mike

  3. #3
    Active Member jeff.garr's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sort order of files when opening drawing files in AutoCAD 2008

    Thanks for the link Mike, like I mentioned "maxsort" does not correct the problem.

    AutoCAD's other "fix" to this problem according to this topic is to create additional folders of smaller size?? What's up with that!?! Are they kidding??? We do not sinificantly increase the number of files and this is the first release we are having the problem.
    Last edited by jeff.garr; 2007-06-12 at 01:50 PM.

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