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Thread: Intersection problem

  1. #1
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    Angry Intersection problem

    Now, I'm working with a real project using Revit structure 2008, at the intersection of wall, beam, there are so many unnecessary objects. when publishing drawing ,it looks so bad. please help me. I tried to modify but I couldn't because It looked worse.
    PHAT - NEC
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  2. #2
    I could stop if I wanted to kmarsh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Intersection problem


    Would it be possible to do a "save-as" on your file, remove everything but this area you've indicated (just delete the other stuff) and do a File>Purge Unused... and then post that file for people on the forum to take a look at?

    It's difficult to "see" what's going on from the plan view only.

    Ken Marsh
    Owner, Marsh API

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Intersection problem

    Dear Ken Marsh,
    I can not send whole model , because it's so large although I delete alot of unnecessary objects. Now I send more pictures to show my problem. Actually I tried to modify with so many ways ( view depth and more..) but I can not hide or disappear the confused objects. My file's size is nearly 32 MB, please help me, because it is so urgent
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  4. #4
    I could stop if I wanted to kmarsh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Intersection problem

    I'm still having difficulty seeing what the issue is. What I meant was to save a copy of the file and literally delete everything (including views) but these three or four beams/walls, then do a purge unused (from the file menu) and that should get your file size down to 1-2 MB.

    Since this sounds urgent you can try the following tools:

    From the toolbar:
    -Linework: you can select "invisible lines" and turn lines in the project invisible with this.

    From the "Drafting" design bar:
    -Filled Region: make any shaped region filled with a color
    -Masking region: make a region of any (2d) shape completely masking anything behind. (choose invisible lines for the boarder in the type selector when you draw the boundary of the masking region.

    These may help you acheive what you need in the short term.
    Ken Marsh
    Owner, Marsh API

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Intersection problem

    It looks like your intersecting objects are joining, but they have different top or bottom elevations, so revit is showing the line where they step. It also looks like you have some objects that are not joining. I've only run into walls doing that if the "Dissallow Join" option is selected or if one of the walls has a sketch on it. I wouldn't be able to tell with out seeing the model though.

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