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Thread: Stuff Disappearing?

  1. #1
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Default Stuff Disappearing?

    I'm really not this naive, but I have to ask.

    We have a project, central file based, that I drew. The project was turned over to a new intern architect for construction administration several months ago. He tells me yesterday that things have disappeared. I open up the file and sure enough, a rather large curtain wall and two floor slabs are gone.

    I'm of the belief that computers and software only do what they are told and therefore I conclude that he somehow deleted those items.

    Is there any possible that a curtain wall and two floor slabs just decided to go bye bye on their own?
    Last edited by dgreen.49364; 2007-12-13 at 06:59 PM.

  2. #2
    AUGI Addict DaveP's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stuff Disappearing?

    Quote Originally Posted by dgreen.49364 View Post
    new intern architect
    That'd be my first guess.
    By "new", do you mean new to the company or new to Revit?

    I'd lay money that your new intern saw a "line" in a section or some other view that didn't look right & figured "I'll just delete this line". Only it wasn't a line, it was a Curtain Wall.

    The Floor Slabs might be a different issue. Those do tend to disappear once in a while. If the Floor Slab Sketch was locked to the Walls, it's fairly easy to break the Sketch. Say two walls meet at a corner, and you move one of the walls & Disjoin. Now your Walls don't touch, and the Floor Sketch that was locked to them is no longer a closed polygon. There's a Warning message that tells you the Sketch is invalid, but its easy to ignore.

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    Default Re: Stuff Disappearing?

    yes it's strange to have stuff disapear in drawings .

    i'm guessing you've checked worksets too ?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Stuff Disappearing?

    Yeah, I've checked the worksets. And yes, the intern is new to the company and to Revit, but he has had the Revit training and has been using it now for a while.

  5. #5
    I could stop if I wanted to jspartz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stuff Disappearing?

    Make sure he didn't hide the objects in the view. Click the Reveal hidden elements button at the bottom to find out. I've had something not want to show up twice, but was still there. To find out: if anyone else has an older copy of the file, open up the older file, select the object that is missing and go to Tools - Element Ids - Ids of Selection to find out the Id number of the object. Then open the newer file and go to Tools - Element Ids - Select by Id and type in the ID number (click OK to select, or Show to make it find the object). Either way if it doesn't give you a message saying invalid id then it is still in the model.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Stuff Disappearing?

    It's very easy to select things by mistake when erasing things using "window" or "crossing". Newbies sometimes forget that views that are perpedicular to parts of the model (such as plans and elevations) are still 3D. Objects behind the "lines" that are visible are still selectable, often without being noticed. New users should be encouraged to view the filter selection list whenever they are not sure of what they have selected. If you really want to track down the "missing" objects you could trace their disappearance via the journal files.

  7. #7
    I could stop if I wanted to jspartz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stuff Disappearing?

    Also, if they are deleted, go to File - Backups, pick the backup folder, and save a backup file from a previous date with the objects still there and copy them from that file back into the new file.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Stuff Disappearing?

    Jamie, that's what I did. Am just finishing it up now.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Stuff Disappearing?

    to minimalize the future occurance of stuff being deleted.
    i would suggest the rash steps of unplugging the intern's mouse :P

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Stuff Disappearing?

    Funny I found this thread, as I have had the same issues the past few days. I'm fairly new to Revit, but I believe I've figured it out. I've had the same walls disappear over and over in my model, without my deleting them. This never happened until I started compacting my central file. I've found that when you do this, things disappear. I've tested it out a few times.

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