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Thread: Revit 2008 Content Dist. Website

  1. #1
    I could stop if I wanted to PaperStreet SoapCO's Avatar
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    Default Revit 2008 Content Dist. Website

    So I had some time today to search for some family content on content distribution site and while a lot of that content is in the default imperial library I noticed there are more families on this website. I also decided to peruse through the UK library as well and noticed they have more / different families than in the US library. What the hell?

    So I've come up with a couple questions:

    1. Why isn't all of the US library thats available on the web library just automatically a part of the Imperial Library when installed. Theres some good stuff on there - I know some of it is specific to project types but I would like all the doors and window families constructed made readily available.

    2. Why aren't the US and UK libraries the same as far as content goes (I know the units would be different, but that would be an easy adjustment)? Have you seen all of the curtain wall panels available in the UK library?

    3. Lastly, has anyone downloaded the additional stuff in the UK library and converted it over to imperial units? That would be nice...

    I know this isn't terribly important, but it just seems a bit odd...

  2. #2
    All AUGI, all the time Alex Page's Avatar
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    Default Re: Revit 2008 Content Dist. Website

    Yeah, its pretty stupid - I noticed that in one of our libraies (I think the NZ one) there is no esculator but they are in the Metric library...

    Also, as the manager, I downloaded the (metric) UK, Australian, Singaporian libraries to have a look and the directory structur is different for them all, so under my 'metric library' folder I have a complete mess with electrical fittings found in 3 different sub-directories etc etc..real fun trying to find something

  3. #3
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Default Re: Revit 2008 Content Dist. Website

    This is one thing that has me mystified.

    You don't need to be programmer to classify and amalgamate libraries. You could get quite a low paid person to do it

    It seems there are countless people around the globe sorting through these libraries, trying to put them in some sort of order, when they should be that anyway.

    I'm just glad the help manual is not as random and piecemeal as the available family libraries.

    Or on the other hand, maybe we can get the AUGI forums arranged like the Revit libraies...that way would could look in several places, at threads with different names, and find the same information...brilliant.


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    Default Re: Revit 2008 Content Dist. Website

    I just went through this yesterday. To get all of the available families into our library, I had to manually download every file in the web library tree and copy them to our network. I thought I'd be able to use the "download folder" button at the top of the tree, but it only downloads files in the root of the folder and ignores nested folders, which means you have to navigate through every single folder in the tree to get everything. It was a major waste of time and seems like it would be so easy to resolve on Autodesk's part. Why can't they simply include all of the files in the default library? (or at least offer the complete set as a single download) I'm going to fill out a support ticket requesting a change and suggest you do the same.

  5. #5
    I could stop if I wanted to PaperStreet SoapCO's Avatar
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    Default Re: Revit 2008 Content Dist. Website

    I just found 2D scale figures in the UK library of trees, cars, etc for elevations. These are the kind of things I think that would benefit anyone regardless of location. Seems like they have a lot more doors / windows as well...

  6. #6
    I could stop if I wanted to PaperStreet SoapCO's Avatar
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    Default Re: Revit 2008 Content Dist. Website

    Not to beat a dead horse but... I found this parametric sink/vanity family in the UK library. I actually spent time trying to create something like this before and am now kind of disappointed that I found it was already created in the UK library.

    I've attached the family after converting it to Imperial units and adjusting the dimensional values...maybe this will save someone else the trouble of reinventing the wheel.
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  7. #7
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Default Re: Revit 2008 Content Dist. Website

    I had a good rant about this on my blog see

    Then I downloaded and went through all the file structures and looked at content and at least documented the folder structure.

    Then I sent comments to Autodesk see the results in the Reference Guides at

    I heard from a product manager from Autodesk and he agreed that better documentation (at least a read me) was needed but could not confirm it would be in 2009

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