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Thread: Walls Move With Other Walls

  1. #1
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Default Walls Move With Other Walls

    I have a project which is 99% complete (beam systems, multiple wall sweeps, dimensions, etc.) and I have to move an exterior wall.

    When I attempt to move the wall Revit requires me to delete numerous constraints, dimensions, unjoins, deletions, etc. After all of that several exterior walls at the opposite end of the building move with the wall in question. When I try to move those walls back the original wall that I moved also moves back. Apparently they are linked.

    I have looked at all dimensions in all views to make sure that they are unlocked. I have used the Reveal Hidden Elements tool in all views in an attempt to find some hidden locked dimension. I can find none. I have deleted all views which are no longer needed and purged the project. But the problem persists. As far as I can tell no walls or floors are locked or pinned.

    I have been working on this project on and off over the last 3 years and have upgraded it each time there was a new revit version. Now when opening this file Revit always displays the message that it is upgrading it eventhough I have saved it many times in the current build.

    Please advise.

  2. #2
    Certifiable AUGI Addict Dimitri Harvalias's Avatar
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    Default Re: Walls Move With Other Walls

    Have you tried to move the wall with 'disjoin' checked on the options bar?
    If that fails, try copying to the clipboard and paste/align same place. This will disassociate the wall from any other object or constraints. You can then delete the existing wall and move the new one as required. Be aware that Revit will try to establish relationships automatically so you might still need to move with disjoin checked.

    As for the upgrade issue, any chance you have linked Revit files in the project? If so, these also need to be upgraded individually before you get rid of that error message.

  3. #3
    I could stop if I wanted to
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    Default Re: Walls Move With Other Walls

    Thank you for your reply.

    Yes, I guess that I can use disjoin when moving the wall but I was trying to avoid loosing dimensions, tags, in-place families, attachments (to roofs, floors, ceilings, etc.), splitting elements and their materials, wall sweeps, openings, window trim, electrical devices, etc.

    You are right about the upgrade issue. The project does have a rvt link which I have now upgraded and that problem has been eliminated.

  4. #4
    Certifiable AUGI Addict dhurtubise's Avatar
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    Default Re: Walls Move With Other Walls

    You can also try to cut & paste back

  5. #5
    AUGI Addict truevis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Walls Move With Other Walls

    All I've wanted for the last year has been an instance parameter that says "I'm putting this wall where I want it. Revit, please don't do me a favor and move it or do anything else to it for me -- unless specifically tell you to."

    Disallow joins on a wall's ends may help but if the wall was "by face" you don't even have that option.

    Move-disjoin is not a good answer when CDs are in play.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Walls Move With Other Walls

    Kind new here myself, but, have you tried spliting walls that are perpendicular to the wall
    that you are trying to move, then re-attaching those walls back after the move?
    I've messed around with this issue myself before by doing it this way.

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