Re: Hi, My Name Is......
You can defne Point Label Styles in LDT that will bring in your points on separate layers, with Blocks associated to the point based on the label style. It will even put the text on a different layer, but all of the text defined in that style goes on that layer. So, if for example, you wanted to bring in a sewer manhole symbol and label the Rim elevation, point number, description, Lat and Long, Northing and Easting all on thier own layers ( one for the symbol and one for each text string) you would need to define the Label style for each string and include the symbol in one of these styles. Then you would have to Insert the point group seven times in this case. Once you have them inserted then you can select all the points using Quick Select and then right-click and pick Disassociate labels. This would leave your points in the Database, (and the drawing) your symbol would be on it's own layer and each string of text would be on it's own layer. Then when you get all of this done, you could Remove points from drawing and save it for working in R14\MS. The Seven steps is on the premise that your LAT would be on one layer and your Long would be on another, Northing on another, easting on it's layer and so on. By using Point Group Manager, you could import all your points with the appropriate layers, text strings and symbols in fourteen mouse clicks (click to select the group-right-click to insert them) and the three more for disassociating the labels, three more to remove the points. The time would be for the initial point group setup, override settings and filtering.
Re: Hi, My Name Is......
If you do not have a lot of time to become familiar with Civil 3D, you might be well advised to go back to LDDT or EaglePoint. Mark has outlined steps that I guess should work, but I would wonder if there were enough benefit to go through such a complex mix of translations. If you have the "Survey" package with LDDT, there should be a way to have it do much the same point and linework you are getting from Civil 3D. Our surveyor has his own program for this that I know works with either LDDT or EaglePoint so we have not used "Survey". Either one really should have a greater impact on the field procedures as it would likely require different coding of the survey shots. I am sorry, I know that just through another new program at you, but it may solve your problem.
The Dinosaur
Re: Hi, My Name Is......
What STurner said is correct. If you have the Survey module, you can create a batch file that will do all of what I described (and more, like linework) in one step. The downside, (again like he said above) is either your surveyors change thier coding in the input, or you change it once you get it. The problem with you making the changes, is, are you sure which points are connected and which ones are not concerning the linework. In the batch file, you can set your layers, symbols, and.... "I Beleive"..... even your label style and\or point groups.
Re: Hi, My Name Is......
We don't have the Survey package. We use our own in-house program for all that.
I'll say this - reading the stuff described above, I can see why NO one is suggesting that Civil3D is "intuitive." It feels like you need a degree in it. Yet EaglePoint has the whole process of points/attributes/layers literally built-in. Obviously we aren't the ONLY people who need/want that. I just find the disparity curious.
We are going back to LDD for the moment, although I'm waiting to see what my boss says when he takes a look at the latest EagelPoint.
Thanks for the help.
Re: Hi, My Name Is......
Actually, about the ONLY thing I don't like about eagle point is the fact that it creates an APPID for almost everything it does. When I open a file that was worked on in EP, I get a list of literally hundreds of APP-ID's that start with EP----. I could see one for all the different types of annotation, but it looks more like there is one for EACH annotation object\entity. Did they ever fix the dashed line segmentation problem? It has been a few years, and that was my biggest pet peeve back when I did use it. When I would port it over to ACAD, I had to make sure all my linework was the continuous linetype or the end product would be individual pieces of lines.
Re: Hi, My Name Is......
I never had the dashed line problem using EaglePoint 95 w r13, but I have probably tallied a weeks worth of time setting while the registered apps went by in the text window. We would still be using the program if our new plotter would play nice with it. Do you know if the newer versions of EP still have that great drafting suite?
The Dinosaur
Re: Hi, My Name Is......
From this website,http://www.eaglepoint.com/survey/drafting/features.htm it looks as if it's still there. Not sure as to the workability of it, as from what I read (quick perusal of the high points), it looks as if they went to a format similar to LDT.
It could have been Terror Model (I know it's actually called TerraModdel) that gave us the linework problems, been so long ago, don't remember exactly. When I was doing this, three different offices were all using different software packages. Microstation, Autocad, Inroads, TerrorModel, Softdesk, COGOPC and GEOPAK. Talk about a compatibility nightmare!!!
Last edited by MHultgren; 2005-02-04 at 02:21 PM.
Re: Hi, My Name Is......
I hope they didn't follow the LDDT model too closely. I have been trying to assemble a package that would restore at least my most favorite routines to use with 2k5.
Re: Hi, My Name Is......
The Michigan Society of Professional Surveyors yearly convention is in Detroit next week and both my boss and I - assuming EaglePoint is going to be there - intend to grill them relentlessly. 
I've only had to convert our EP/ACAD files to Microstation and we've never had a problem. I don't know what you mean by the APPID problem. I've certainly never seen anything like that????
Re: Hi, My Name Is......
If EaglePoint is there and handing out demos or information, would you try to get me copies as well? You can attach anything electronic to an email and I would provide snail mail info otherwise.
Stephen R. Sherrill
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