I am having trouble creating an Air Handler with a bottom discharge supply and return duct connection. Any ideas?
Attached is my family
I am having trouble creating an Air Handler with a bottom discharge supply and return duct connection. Any ideas?
Attached is my family
Sorry, more detail, the problem I am having is when I insert the family into my project and try to attach a duct to the connection, the duct connects to a completely different location and does not register the system (supply or return air). I can send some screen shots if necessary.
What is the reason for the solid sections by the connectors? It looks like it is a solid in a solid.
Are you bringing the duct to the AHU or are you clicking on the AHU and extending the duct from it?
I made the solids to attached the duct connection to. I have had problems locating the duct connection anywhere but the center of the face of connection. So I made a smaller extrusion where I wanted the duct connection to be located.
To make the duct once back in the model, I have right clicked on the connection point and selected draw duct.
The family was created by saving-as another Air Handler family with working duct connections that were not on the bottom face of the solid. Then I deleted the old connectios and relocated them to the bottom.
Thanks for the help.
From personnal experiece I have found that it is easier to start from scratch because then I fully understand what I am making. But that is just me. When I am making connecter in our AHU's I will have voids in the solid that are in the correct location. That way when I put the connection on the void it is the the exact location that I want. I didn't see where yours were anchored to anything besides the second solid but it looked like it might be able to move around because they weren't constrained to anything. I am no expert at all but that was what I was taught when building families. I have attached one I built a few months ago, I have seen way better though. Lastly I asked our Mechanical guy how he draws the duct around AHU's and he said he always right clicks the connector and selects "draw duct" instead of trying to bring duct to it. Hopefully some real expects will chime in soon!
Thanks for the help, I will continue to look at it as well.
Wow, I think it might have been that I was working in section view. It seems to work in plan view.
Also, I figured out how to eliminate the extrusions for the air handler supply / return connection point. If you select the plane instead of the standard then you can move the connection point anywhere on the family face.