View Full Version : Linked file.... could not be located

2009-11-27, 10:03 PM
Having just moved my project into Revit 2010 I have now twice had this error...

Linked file ..\..\..\filename.dwg could not be located. It will be displayed as it was when this project was last saved.

Only it does not display the file. And what's more Revit will not let you locate it and reload it. The only way out is to unload the file and reload it.

This has happened when the DWG has been edited, and then the Revit file re-opened or the link re-loaded.

Any one had similar problems or knows what is going on?

2010-03-30, 06:03 PM
Having just moved my project into Revit 2010 I have now twice had this error...

Linked file ..\..\..\filename.dwg could not be located. It will be displayed as it was when this project was last saved.

Only it does not display the file. And what's more Revit will not let you locate it and reload it. The only way out is to unload the file and reload it.

This has happened when the DWG has been edited, and then the Revit file re-opened or the link re-loaded.

Any one had similar problems or knows what is going on?

I am having the exact same problem but the one difference is that it cannot seem to be fixed - unloading the file and reloading does not change anything. On top of that, if I try to reload any of my other linked files (except for one), I get the same error message. These are files that I haven't even touched in any way.

If I try to link another cad file into the revit file, it says that none of the elements are visible and there seems to be nothing that I can do to make it visible. It's almost like the file is linked (it shows up in the visibility graphics), but nothing is there.

Of course I am working on a deadline from hell and am out of ways to fiddle with the files in hopes of it magically fixing itself.

Any thoughts?

2010-03-31, 08:55 AM

The only thought I have is that in Revit 2009 we would find a drawing would jump to somewhere else if reloading a linked file that was too far from the orgin.

We have given up loading most consultants files directly into Revit. Instead we make a copy and then drag the contents to match the shared coordinate we are using.

2011-01-24, 01:08 PM

I have a similar problem since 2 weeks. In the 6th week I've been working on a project with 2D DWG underlayers they suddenly start to give the error "linked file could not be located" When I do "reload from" they again give the error despite they are really there. The only "sollution" I found was removing them and relinking them into the model. The most remarkable fact is also that last week it were 3 files with this problem, this week 4 other files and 2 files haven't given these problems (yet).

Since it's been a while since the last post, I hope you found a working sollution to this annoying bug.


environment: Win7 64bit / Revit 2011

2011-01-24, 01:31 PM
Sorry we have not found a solution to this problem. If you are a subscription customer I would suggest that you raise a Support Case on Autodesk Technical Support (http://subscription.autodesk.com)

Its about time they sorted it out!

We have not had the problem happen for a while - 2 months or so. We have never exactly worked out why it occurs.

However we have still had problems with linked DWGs and I have spent a bit of time trying to work out what works and what doesn't - see post (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=127095)

The conclusion I came to is that you should load all links into a specific view set to Project North, and never change this view to True North, otherwise strange things can happen!

2011-11-15, 01:56 PM
Same problem after upgrading to Revit Arch 2012.
It is quite frustrating to reload from, then click the file, then it says it cannot find the file...I just told it where the file is!

2012-01-09, 10:49 AM
Oh NO!

Clearly the bug is still in Revit 2012 Update 2. I have no idea what causes it but I have just had a repeat of it - first time in ages. Had to edit an egineer's drawing (a practice we try to avoid - but need a correct Revit drawing for tenant) and now it won't load.

Once this link has come up with this error no matter what file you try linking in, it just will not work.

2012-01-09, 10:46 PM
I convert all DWG's to Revit lines and copyclip to a new family so no CAD info gets into Revit. This happened to me when I linked a file into a site plan, then deleted the site plan after creating a new one. This is the fix:

1. Manage > Location > Site > Duplicate current site location.

2. Make new location current.

3. Manage Links > Remove CAD Link.

4. Manage > Location > Site > Make previous location current, delete temporary site location.

2012-01-10, 09:36 AM
In my experience this mainly/only occurs after upgrading a project to a new version i.e. from revit 2011 to revit 2012..

Maybe this experience can help Autodesk find/fix the issue... it's happing since revit 2009.

2012-01-10, 07:19 PM
We've had this issue intermittently over the past few releases. I currently have an open Support Case with Autodesk on this problem with Revit 2012 (all flavors).

The Revit file in question has a handful of AutoCAD links and only one of the DWG files is having this problem.

For what it's worth, the last two responses from support have stated:
"Unfortunately the workaround will be to unload and reload the files."
"The development team is aware of this issue and they are working on it."

To repeat part of an earlier response in this thread by "andrewharle"- "If you are a subscription customer I would suggest that you raise a Support Case on Autodesk Technical Support (http://subscription.autodesk.com/)". The more reports they get of this issue, the better chance of it being assigned a higher priority.

2012-01-13, 04:23 PM
Below is part of the latest response from Autodesk on this issue. It looks like we have to live with this for now.

"The development team is doing more investigation in the code, and the current workaround is ... to unload and reload the links again.
The fix requires the code for Revit to be modified, and as such, we do not have a timeline for when any fix may be released. "

2012-03-20, 07:48 AM
I believe the problem relates to the project north and true north. Unloading and reloading did not solve mine. I tried almost every thing, neither did work. Revit looses linking data somehow if you rotate any of the view's true or project north direction. When I rotate the linked cad file with the same angle, strange things happen like 3d and 2d geometry rotating independently.
Autodesk must find an urgent solution to this issue as linking cad files has become a nightmare for me.

2013-04-22, 09:12 AM
Hi all,
to us, problem solved by detaching and reloading by shared coordinates.
It seems the problem happened when renaming the file and/or publishing shared coordinates to it.
So, some sort of updates to the original link.
Yes, it was linked, current view only.
hope this helps... RAC 2013 . Windows 7


2015-09-03, 06:01 PM
Hi all,
to us, problem solved by detaching and reloading by shared coordinates.
It seems the problem happened when renaming the file and/or publishing shared coordinates to it.
So, some sort of updates to the original link.
Yes, it was linked, current view only.
hope this helps... RAC 2013 . Windows 7


Know this is a ZOmbie thread.. But any solutions ?

But we got this error on a bunch of our drawings and the issue were linked REVIT files. that NO ONE had worked in. We are in Revit 2015 R2

Just one morning poof.. "Linked Document P:\blah\blah\xyz.rvt not found. The link will be unloaded."

We go to the directly or try "reload from" and nothing works.

This is not good.. as we copy monitor and such, so deleting/detatching the file and reloading not an option. It messes up a LOT of view templates and more.

Is there a fix ?

2015-09-03, 06:26 PM
Have you tried the "Create Instance" Method?
I haven't seen that error yet, but I'd love to see an image of the warning if possible.
I'm wondering if the instance was deleted, moved in the directory, renamed, or corrupt.
Just some thoughts.
Can you open the link with no issues?
Have you run an audit on it?
When was the last time you recreated the central file?
Also what build of R2 are you on? Should be update 9 if memory serves me right.