View Full Version : qsave = revert back

2005-02-07, 07:29 PM
i looked and did not find this in my search. i have a user that when he selects the save icon map will revert back to a earler drawing state say 10 min. ago. this is not all the time maybe three times a week. he is not running any lisp or is it linked to a particular file, just a little weired.

we are running XP, AutoCAD MAP 2004 SP2

2005-02-08, 03:23 PM
In his options, what does he have his Save Percent set to? For a full save, it should be set to 0.

2005-02-08, 06:34 PM

this is not happening during a auto save but a manual full save.

2005-02-08, 06:52 PM
I know the ISAVEPERCENT is only "supposed" to affect the incremental saves, but I have seen problems with doing a QSave or "full" save if the modifications to the original file are less than the ISAVEPERCENT variable. So, if you open a file that is say, 50 MB and make 5 MB of changes, you have your ISAVEPERCENT set to 30 ( 30% ) and 5MB is only 10% of the file, I have seen it save the file with the original objects. I always change this variable to 0 to eliminate this bug. Maybe they will have it fixed in the next SP.

Glenn Pope
2005-02-08, 07:13 PM
Another nice thing about setting it to 0 is the file size gets smaller.

2005-02-08, 09:53 PM
i'll give it a try, it's weired never run across it before.