View Full Version : Material Hatch Patterns

2005-10-21, 05:39 PM
I wish that in the Material definitions in the styles of a part you could assign a hatch pattern to use for that material. You can assign a colour style to use for visualization, a hatch style would be nice for use in drawings.

When I hatch a part or assembly view it could then automatically use the hatch that's in the Hatch Style. Thus if I have a steel column protruding from a concrete block when I create a break out view or other I get different hatches for the different materials.


2005-11-14, 09:54 PM
It would also be nice if you could apply a hatch pattern to be used for specific faces for color styles. When I have something like expanded metal or checker plate I like to use a hatch in my drawing to help aid in communicating the different types of materials.

If there where a specific hatch associated with a face for color style I wouldn't have to manually add these hatches to the drawing. They would simply appear when I create the view.

The hatches might be controlled in a similar fashion to the Get Weld Annotations.