View Full Version : Solid Black "Filled Region" Does Not Print

2008-08-01, 05:14 PM
Why do annotation filled regions (solid black) not print at all? I have an annotation symbol for my exit signs that use an annotation solid black filled region - it looks good on screen, but the sold black DOES NOT PRINT! Please help if you have a suggestion!

(P.S. - It is a nested family, the symbol is nested into the exit sign generic model to show up on plan)

Revit Arch. 2008

2008-08-01, 05:27 PM
Try printing with "Raster Processing" (instead of vector). This is an issue that the Revit team has been made aware of. I haven't checked if it has been fixed in 2009, but in 2008, this was a BUG.

This is specific to solid filled regions used in nested annotations.

2008-08-01, 07:46 PM
Try printing to PDF first. When you open the PDF file in acrobat, are the filled regions black?

If so, try printing the PDF to paper. How does the solid black print from the PDF file?

My point is, it's possible there is something else going on here, beyond Revit. It could be outdated printer drivers, or something like that. I just tested on our system (2009 web update 1). Solid Black filled regions print without a problem.

Best of luck,


Jos Arpink
2008-08-06, 12:16 AM
I am using the latest build and it is still broken. It was not an issue in 2008.

2008-08-06, 01:57 PM
It was a bug in 2008, you have to print with raster. It IS fixed in 2009.

Jos Arpink
2008-08-07, 01:09 PM
Thanks David...this is wierd. I have stepped out of the car, closed the door, walked around it 3 times, stepped back in, and triple checked my version/build numbers and am still seeing this issue in 2009, and not in 2008.

I neglected to mention in my previous post that I am using Revit Structure 2009. I will contact Adesk support to see if they can duplicate. Stay tuned...

2008-08-07, 01:39 PM
Hmm that's odd, just tried it in structure 09 and it works fine...is it just one family that does it or all of them?

2008-08-07, 04:11 PM
This happens in any nested family with an annotation symbol family inside of a model family (such as an exit sign, or elec. fixture).

2008-08-07, 05:55 PM
I have tested this in Revit Arch 2009 (Web Update 1) and it still does not plot filled regions properly (only the outline shows) with vector processing. I've attached my test file as an example. I just stopped making families like this...who needs data symbols anyways?!


Andre Carvalho
2008-08-07, 06:07 PM
I have tested this in Revit Arch 2009 (Web Update 1) and it still does not plot filled regions properly (only the outline shows) with vector processing. I've attached my test file as an example. I just stopped making families like this...who needs data symbols anyways?!


It worked fine here, printing your file to PDF. See attached. (RAC 2009)

Andre Carvalho

2008-08-07, 06:26 PM
Thanks for testing it Andre. You're right, it does print with the Adobe PDF driver. I originally tested it with an HP driver, and reproduced the problem. It seems to be a driver issue on my end now.

Jos Arpink
2008-08-08, 05:38 PM
The plot thickens (pardon the pun). I can get Andrew's symbol to print correctly as well. It is nested in a wall-hosted model family. My issue is with nested symbols inside a detail component family. As soon as I copy Andrew's symbol into one of those, it prints as only an outline. Can anyone else reproduce this?

Andre Carvalho
2008-08-08, 06:05 PM
My issue is with nested symbols inside a detail component family.

Hi fellow Canadian,

Before nesting, try going to Settings > Family category and parameters > check "Shared". Then load it into the detail component family and load this family into the project. It should print OK.

You are right, I nested Andrew's family into a detail component and it didn't print properly. Once sharing it before and nesting, it worked fine.

Let me know if it works for you too.

Andre Carvalho

Jos Arpink
2008-08-11, 03:04 PM
Hi/bonjour Andre

Yes, making it 'shared' works. Still, it's buggy and I will forward this to the folks at Adesk. Thanks for troubleshooting.

2008-09-10, 05:46 AM
What about using solid for hatch pattern? It works but if you set it to be transparent under Object styles it doesn't work. But on the other hand if you have a filled region with a solid pattern set Transparent it works (prints).


2008-09-10, 06:30 AM
As I work around I was going to use a dot pattern.
I imorted the AR-sand pattern from Autocad and made it fairly dense to make it look like it is a solid pattern but it seme to be a limit to have dense it can be to be printed. I can see the pattern in Revit but it doesn't want to print. I did the same with the standard Revit cross pattern but the same thing happens - I can see it in Revit but it doesn't want to print.
Are there anyway to make REvit print dense patterns?
