First post! Hoorah!

  • I've googled, searched the forums, searched help and the autodesk databases.
  • My fieldeval is set to 31
  • the problems I describe below happen on every computer, across all the platforms I have access too (2008, 2011, 2012) so at least I know its consistent!

I am trying to insert fields in my titleblock that update based on the sheet set manager data. Specifically, the project name, number, drawn by, etc.. I have tried mtext, single line text, attributes, all behave the same way. If I select the field, right click, and update field, it shows the information correctly. If I use the updatefield command, it reverts the fields back to ####. It doesn't seem right that I would have to edit every single field, right click, and update that way.

Since it does this consistently on all computers, I assume that its a simple mistake on my part. BTW, I am using the currentsheetsetprojectname field. (I assume this is the correct one, versus the 'sheetset' without 'current', as that seems to point to a static sheet set.

Obviously, I want to be able to set this up as a template so that when I start a new sheet set, this information is automatically populated.

Your help is MUCH APPRECIATED!!!
