This function returns the distance between two given points. Originally posted here by Ed Jobe.
Public Function XYZDistance(Point1 As Variant, Point2 As Variant) As Double
'Returns the distance between two points
Dim dblDist As Double
Dim dblXSl As Double
Dim dblYSl As Double
Dim dblZSl As Double
'Calc distance
dblXSl = (Point1(0) - Point2(0)) ^ 2
dblYSl = (Point1(1) - Point2(1)) ^ 2
dblZSl = (Point1(2) - Point2(2)) ^ 2
dblDist = Sqr(dblXSl + dblYSl + dblZSl)
'Return Distance
XYZDistance = dblDist
End Function