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Thread: Option to retain subtracted object

  1. #1
    Wish List Administration
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    Default Option to retain subtracted object

    Summary: Offer option to keep subtracted solid object in drawing rather than erase it.

    Description: I would like to see an option to keep the solid object being subtracted (the subtrahend) in the drawing. Currently, if I want to keep the object being subtracted, I have to make a copy of it on top of itself, then subtract it from another object. Otherwise, the subtracted object is lost from the drawing. I use this technique very often while solid modeling, and it would be a time saver to have this feature. A prompt might appear in the command line saying "Erase subtract object group (Y/N)?"

    Product and Feature: AutoCAD - Drawing Tools 3D

    Submitted By: bcsnyder49 on 12/25/2024

  2. #2
    Administrator Ed Jobe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Option to retain subtracted object

    What you are asking perhaps isn't clear (maybe post a screenshot), because it doesn't make sense to me to perform a subtraction and still keep the whole original. Perhaps you should be doing a union? If you need to keep it just to be able to modify part of it later, then make sure that to SOLIDHIST variable is set to 1.
    C:> ED WORKING....


  3. #3
    Super Moderator CAtDiva's Avatar
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    Default Re: Option to retain subtracted object

    Quote Originally Posted by Ed Jobe View Post
    What you are asking perhaps isn't clear (maybe post a screenshot), because it doesn't make sense to me to perform a subtraction and still keep the whole original. Perhaps you should be doing a union? If you need to keep it just to be able to modify part of it later, then make sure that to SOLIDHIST variable is set to 1.
    While I don't do much with 3D in ACAD, I have used the AecLineworkMerge & AecLineworkSubtract on polylines, hatches, spaces, & other ACAD elements. They include a question similar to the OP request & I find it very helpful because sometimes you have a shape (2D or 3D doesn't matter) that overlaps another shape and you want to keep the overlapping shape while taking its area/volume out of the other:
    AEC LW Subtract.jpg

  4. #4
    AUGI Addict madcadder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Option to retain subtracted object

    Quote Originally Posted by Wish List System View Post
    Summary: Offer option to keep subtracted solid object in drawing rather than erase it.

    Description: I would like to see an option to keep the solid object being subtracted (the subtrahend) in the drawing. Currently, if I want to keep the object being subtracted, I have to make a copy of it on top of itself, then subtract it from another object. Otherwise, the subtracted object is lost from the drawing. I use this technique very often while solid modeling, and it would be a time saver to have this feature. A prompt might appear in the command line saying "Erase subtract object group (Y/N)?"

    Product and Feature: AutoCAD - Drawing Tools 3D

    Submitted By: bcsnyder49 on 12/25/2024
    I get it... Normally, I'll just copy it 48 or 120 or whatever before subtracting, so that I can move a copy back when done.
    I shouldn't have to, but it works.

  5. #5
    Certifiable AUGI Addict tedg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Option to retain subtracted object

    Quote Originally Posted by madcadder View Post
    I get it... Normally, I'll just copy it 48 or 120 or whatever before subtracting, so that I can move a copy back when done.
    I shouldn't have to, but it works.
    Yes me too. I haven't done much Acad 3D modelling lately, but that's what I've done.
    Copy the "cutting" object over some number, subtract it from the working model (which deletes it),then move the copy back, or whatever is needed.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Option to retain subtracted object

    When a similar request came up in another forum I came up with this lisp routine Subnew.lsp which runs the subtract command by first making a copy of the objects being subtracted
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