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Thread: Setting up company standard Templates, what should go in them

  1. #1
    AUGI Addict .chad's Avatar
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    Question Setting up company standard Templates, what should go in them

    I am starting to put together a first draft standard for our office and am working on getting a template together, but im not quite sure what goes into the drawing template, and what should be in seperate files.

    i know dim styles, text styles, layers etc all go in the template - but what about AEC object styles? should they be in a seperate drawing per object type (one for walls, one for doors / windows etc) or just part of the basic template?

  2. #2
    Member Nashville's Avatar
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    Default Re: Setting up company standard Templates, what should go in them

    Quote Originally Posted by Chad_C
    I am starting to put together a first draft standard for our office and am working on getting a template together, but im not quite sure what goes into the drawing template, and what should be in seperate files.

    i know dim styles, text styles, layers etc all go in the template - but what about AEC object styles? should they be in a seperate drawing per object type (one for walls, one for doors / windows etc) or just part of the basic template?

    I work for a property development company in London, England.

    I have set our CAD standard in away that I feel that its the easyest way poss.

    I have included some of the following:-

    A list stating the CTB we use, line thickness etc..
    A diagram stating our network set up.

    It should be basic, so that any out sider of your company, could join your company and be able to start work using this set of guide lines.

    If you need any other pointers let me know, by the way if you come across a member called Bob Kalsi, I think Sammie the moderator knows him. He uploaded my manual so keep an eye out.


  3. #3
    Administrator Opie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Setting up company standard Templates, what should go in them

    Quote Originally Posted by Nashville
    If you need any other pointers let me know, by the way if you come across a member called Bob Kalsi, I think Sammie the moderator knows him. He uploaded my manual so keep an eye out.

    I believe you are referring to this manual.
    If you have a technical question, please find the appropriate forum and ask it there.
    You will get a quicker response from your fellow AUGI members than if you sent it to me via a PM or email.

  4. #4
    All AUGI, all the time Avatart's Avatar
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    Default Re: Setting up company standard Templates, what should go in them

    Quote Originally Posted by Chad_C
    I am starting to put together a first draft standard for our office and am working on getting a template together, but im not quite sure what goes into the drawing template, and what should be in seperate files.

    i know dim styles, text styles, layers etc all go in the template - but what about AEC object styles? should they be in a seperate drawing per object type (one for walls, one for doors / windows etc) or just part of the basic template?
    When you say template, are you referring to a .DWT file or a document template?

    If it is a drawing template, then it should have the absolute minimum information, dim and text styles for each scale you use, linetypes and that's about it. You may want to have a few templates available to your users, different ones for different drawing types and make them easily accessible over the Intranet or Network drives.

    For ADT stuff, I find it best to keep an office DWS (Standards file) and a project specific one, that usually stops people over-writing styles that are typical for all projects with one for a specific project.

  5. #5
    AUGI Addict .chad's Avatar
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    Default Re: Setting up company standard Templates, what should go in them

    thanks =)

    (stupid minimum character requirements)

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