View Full Version : Revit Architecture - Wish List

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  1. Match another view's display
  2. Temporary hide/isolate while plotting
  3. 8.1/E - Shared Parameters in Annotation Families - O
  4. Line Style Multi Delete
  5. Unselect wall to go up
  6. Some things that I (still) want to see ...
  7. Roof tag
  8. Splitting Dimension Strings
  9. Spot level attaching to current phase objects
  10. Dimension Leader
  11. Big Bug to be fixed with imported DWGs
  12. Door tag orientation
  13. Sheet specific tag schedules
  14. 8.1 Worksets: Halftone Effects... 8.1N
  15. 8.1/E - Phase available on detail componants - O
  16. Plot reverse order pop-up
  17. Detail Lines on all views
  18. Build fire tape into wall type
  19. Rotate option when creating Drafting fill patterns
  20. 8.1/E Room Tag lines to be visible when 'Not enclosed' -O
  21. Embeded curtain walls to cause layer wrapping in host wall
  22. Bring in the 5th dimension!
  23. Make existing features work before any more new features
  24. Color Coded Worksets
  25. More control over end points
  26. 8.1-Aligning existing section lines to a reference planes
  28. More export file formats.
  29. transparent filled regions
  30. Orient wall hatches to wall.
  31. stairs in coarse view
  32. Existing/demolished button or toolbar?
  33. Duplicate views for phasing
  34. 8.0/E Adding Multiple Sheets-O
  35. I'd like 'Select All Instances' to work on Model & Symbolic lines when making fams
  36. 8.1/N - Create my own Revit Family Templates
  37. Line spacing between rows of text
  38. Relock dimensions which adding new Witness Line
  39. Modifying toposurface with spot elevation
  40. Modern GUI
  41. View range adjustment in plans
  42. Trim tool
  43. Wall Types - Insulation and Components
  44. Schedules
  45. Level designation display control
  46. top 3 wishlist items
  48. 8.1 E - Balluster family paramters that can read from railing properties - O
  49. 8.1/E - Section box have numeric properties - O
  50. Design Options & Trim Command
  51. Trim beam to Reference Plane
  52. Multi Unit "Tape Measure" Display
  54. RENDER
  55. Room Bounding check box when drawing walls
  56. Wall based families to stick to room separation lines......
  57. Editing Schedules
  58. Recurring simple wish - lock model objects in a view
  59. elevation labels
  60. Select all instances by level
  62. Cricket
  63. Angled Levels
  64. 8.1/E - Batch rendering
  65. Truss "Heels" revisited
  66. Family Image Parameter
  67. Visibility View - Text Styles
  68. Create Subcategories on the fly-Sim to materials
  69. 8.1/E - Select daylights w/ crossing
  70. Annotated Details
  71. Coloured reference planes?
  72. raster image ground plane
  73. Filter Color Fill Legends
  74. show text system families in project browser
  75. Property, Lot line and easement tools
  76. Space Pilot Support
  77. More intelligent "file saving"
  78. Battered Wall tool
  79. User defined work plane grids
  80. Sheet update warning
  81. ODBC Export
  82. OPEN GL
  83. Find & Replace text tool
  84. Disjoin from Selected
  85. Element rotation not only in plan view
  86. spot elevatoion of surface
  87. Switch Model and Symbolic lines
  88. List item deliting
  89. 8.1/E - Resizable componant dropdown - O
  90. View Scale parameter in families
  92. Show invisible Tag's Labels
  93. 8.1/E - Adjustable width wall component - O
  94. 8.1/E - Wall wrapping should stop at a component - O
  95. Repeating Model element tool - sim to repeating detail
  96. Description of Family File
  97. 8.1 / Compare Family dates in project and on disk
  98. Profile Lines
  99. Linework for Detail components
  100. We need Revit to join Robert Mcneel
  101. 8.1/N - Filename as Sheet Parameter - O
  102. 8.1/E - Key schedules for Sheets and Views - O
  103. 8.1/N - Full Materials Integration - O
  104. 8.1/E Initial value for the parameter
  105. Room Names in Plan Regions...
  106. Detailing
  107. MAYA & Studio Tools Tools for Revit, now that Autodesk is acquiring it.
  108. Wish List
  109. 8.1\E Non ACSII font table
  110. Materials in imported files available for parameters
  111. More tolerance for moving hosted objects
  112. Match Command for Worksets
  113. Make a family parameter non-editable.
  114. Roof eaves & rakes
  115. 8.1/E Improve Dimensions for Split Sections - O
  116. 8.1 Window & Door Placement In Create-In Place Wall Component-O
  117. 8.1 Create -In-Place Wall Component to be Room Bounding-O
  118. 8.1/E - Non-Rectangular Crop Regions - O
  119. Low Slope Roofs
  120. Electronic watermarkfor BIM model
  121. Fix Wall Joins Now!
  122. 8.1/E - Naming Workplanes after Picking - O
  123. 8.1/E - multi-point (and spline-based) leader lines...
  124. Create Sections in In-Place Family
  125. 8.1/E - elevation symbol placement should be view dependent.
  126. 8.1/E - Delete/Create object styles for imports
  127. 8.1/E - Add "Make Object Wireframe" to the Temp Hide Isolate - O
  128. A Lazy Susan Camera Object That Rotates About Placement Via Keyboard Keys Only
  129. 8.1/E - Retain Constraints on Copy - O
  130. 8.1/E - Crop regions in drafting views - O
  131. Improved basic geometry creation tools a priority (v8.1)
  132. Show Me What I am Drawing
  133. Visual cue for extent of view range
  134. API Wishes
  135. Edit/Pull Railings in Section/Elevation
  136. Universal Family File
  137. 8.1/E Slopped tops on massing elements O
  138. Wider family pull-down box?
  139. 8.1/E - Type Catalogs instead of Components - O
  140. Stretching shape handles by distance
  141. Non Orthoganal Framing and Modelling
  142. Retain Crop Region Settings
  143. Walls in Multi-Category Schedules
  144. 8.1/E Improved Control of Dimension Text
  145. Framing Tools
  146. Base offset to topography
  148. Structural Visability
  149. Groups: Drag-n-Drop?
  150. 8.1/N - Import Excel room data to Schedules - O
  151. Workset user input moved to type parameters
  152. Mirroring objects on different worksets
  153. 8.1/E Object Styles for filled regions - O
  154. The ability to stretch grids and levels of linked files
  155. Identity Data parameters in Detail Family
  156. Curtain Wall Families
  157. Specific modeling tools commands for Revit: specifically what do you want?
  158. Previous Selection Command Needs Help!
  159. 8.1/E - Add 'Duplicate Layer' to the Wall Types dialog - O
  160. 8.1/E - Ability to Predefine Layer Assemblies in Wall Types dialog - O
  161. Columns
  162. Text in shafts
  163. Temporary Hide Isolate History
  164. 8.1/N Cut and paste from AutoCAD
  165. offsetting walls
  166. 8.1/E - Attach top of wall to bottom of stair
  167. More Graphic Capabilties
  168. Maybe crop regions shouldn't affect images
  169. Schedule Footnotes
  170. Get rid of "Line Styles"...
  171. Text Styles for Revit...
  172. Old steel profile shapes
  173. Barge Rafter
  174. RESIZE as a family parameter....
  175. 8.1/E - Dim Prefix and Suffix on Options Bar
  176. 8.1/E - Centerline symbol in dims to Centerline type lines - O
  177. Detail Management
  178. 8.1/E Off by default for imported familes
  179. Dialog on New Sheet command
  180. Do not duplicate existing views - confusing newbies
  181. Change "Ctrl-V" Preferences
  182. Solid/Void Forms
  183. Improved curtain wall and curtain wall system.
  184. 8.1/E - Cycling through views - O
  185. lineweight view
  186. Poll: fire rating lines and batt insulation lines in wall styles
  187. Cycling Through Options - like the trim function
  188. Need ability to view constraints
  189. Region Fills
  190. Edit Profile Tool - Phase Specific
  191. Material Tagging and Scheduling
  192. ROOM TAGS
  193. 8.1/E Design Options sub options
  194. Spell Check in Schedules
  195. 9.0 Local USER profiles
  196. 8.1/E - Stacked Walls to include Curtain walls - O
  197. 8.1/N - More intuitive manipulation of types - O
  198. 8.1/E - Backsplash as Sweep - O
  199. User Defined View Rotation On Sheet
  200. 8.1/N - Model Graphics Style by Object(s)
  201. 8.1/N - In-place editing
  202. 8.1/E - Massing by Inference Planes on Faces
  203. 8.1/E - Workset Redline Messaging
  204. 8.1/N - Change Geometry for Walls
  205. 8.1/E - Curtain Grid - Sub System
  206. More phase graphics overrides.....
  207. 8.1/E - Make windows and wall-mounted generic models non-vertical in sloped walls
  208. 8.1/E Code Category
  209. Wish Columns Could Act As Hosts
  210. Mark type filters
  211. 8.1/E - Toposurfaces treated just like construction phase remodeled walls - O
  212. LIST parameter type
  213. 8.1/E - Lockable Browser & Toolbars - O
  214. Can Shadows and color-filled plans to work at the same time?
  215. 8.1/E - Area Plans Phase-Aware! - O
  216. Toggle button for auto alignment
  217. Hide crop region in plan view
  218. Shared parameters
  219. So no improvements to stairs for Revit 9.0 - Wishes for the future
  220. Right click - hide object or hide category in view
  221. Paste command. Keep top wall offset
  222. Roof trim command
  223. Design oriented software
  224. Revit 9 what's new in this release ?
  225. Saving window tiling views for Walkthrough creations
  226. Rendering improvement...
  227. Rotating Spot Elevation Symbols?
  228. Pin Position not allow walls to move.
  229. Complex wall: profiler
  230. Auto-trace tool...
  231. Revit:the function to improve
  232. Exporting Revit files to Autocad
  233. 8.1/E - Halftoning of Detail Components - O
  234. Temporary Work Plane
  235. Don't print Grayed out!
  236. Paste to another design option
  237. Important suggestion for the improvement of Revit
  238. Voids more visible while editing a family
  239. Parameters for Text Size & Width
  240. Site Tools - Fix them or Remove them
  241. 8.1/more schedule outline options
  242. Wishes for Revit 9 (or perhaps 9.1)
  243. 3d Model Output
  244. Display model choices in drafting views
  245. 8.1/E - Lock model elements in Area Plan - O
  246. HIDDEN parameters
  247. 8.1 Display- Schedules
  248. 8.1/N - Explode nested family option
  249. My wishlist
  250. Wall profile demo capabilities