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  1. Express Tools Breakline command not working in AutoCAD 2007
  2. SaveAs command does not display a dialog box
  3. FREEZE tool/icon (snowflake) was in AutoCAD 2004, lost in AutoCAD 2007
  4. Xref Layers do not retain their settings in a Viewport
  5. Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V not working
  6. Command to clean up bad drawings
  7. Differences in AutoCAD 2006 or 07 Lite vs full versions
  8. Trimming/Extending to an xref
  9. Copy & Paste Viewport, contents disappears
  10. UCS Origin Location While Defining a Block
  11. Today 2006 - where is it?
  12. Insert Scale
  13. Flatten Command or equivalent
  14. Que faites-vous avec Autocad
  15. Automatic Text Numbering in Express Tools
  16. AutoCAD 2002 unable to Copy and Paste Objects
  17. INVISIBLE object selection
  18. WBLOCK = huge file?
  19. Using Open Type Fonts in AutoCAD
  20. Multiple Text edit in Properties?
  21. Special Characters in Mtext jump to end of line or to top of paragraph
  22. AutoCAD 2005 dialog box problems - hatch, xref, textstyles, selecting
  23. After using Measure command with Block option, EAttEdit doesn't work
  24. Scaling blocks in Xref's
  25. Text in Modelspace does not show up in some Layouts
  26. No AutoCAD 2007 to 2002 Copy & Paste fixes work...
  27. Runtime error whilst WBlocking
  28. Count numbers of Xrefs in a drawing
  29. Removing duplicate vectors
  30. Automatically Zooming in Viewports
  31. Visretain not holding when replacing drawing
  32. Placing Text around an Arc
  33. Installing Express Tools from version 2000
  34. no ctb file options, only stb
  35. Xref Management between different offices?
  36. BUG - Save 2006 DWG format down to 2000 format - Copy, Paste and others stop working
  37. What does it mean when a layer "Bad Layer" appears in Layer Manager
  38. Unable to trim LWPolyline cloud
  39. Font Substitution in AutoCAD 2006
  40. Pick marks (crosses) appear on screen
  41. AEC Error message when dragging and dropping a Layer from Design Center
  42. AutoCAD 2005 - Losing commands, JIT debugging message appears
  43. Try to "SAVE" and get the "SAVE AS" function ?
  44. Attribute redefine.
  45. Some object do not retain Display Order
  46. AutoCAD 2006 in need of an Aggregate hatch
  47. Tab missing from custom Tool Palette
  48. Copying Groups, copy is not a Group
  49. AutoCAD 2007 - Measure Modelspace Obejcts in Paperspace
  50. Communication Centre Broken?
  51. What happened to the Today window that used to be in AutoCAD 2002
  52. Extract Text and Text insertion point (X and Y values)
  53. Automatic Scaling Dimensions
  54. Foreign Fonts for AutoCAD
  55. How do you move an Attribute in AutoCAD 2007?
  56. What are the differences between Groups and Blocks
  57. Is it possible to convert DText objects into a single MText object
  58. Layer Dialogue no longer displaying Layer information, instead shows big red cross
  59. Strange font used in the Layer Manager dialog box
  60. Redefine (dumb) Blocks - Layer = 0 and Color = Bylayer
  61. Trying to find 3D off-road tires done in AutoCAD
  62. Can't delete object with delete button
  63. Does AutoCAD 2007 supports Japanese fonts?
  64. Unable to delete Layers from a Template file
  65. What scale is a DWG set to
  66. AutoCAD 2007 - Express Tools not showing up
  67. Erase last visible object.
  68. MTEXT double click to edit
  69. When will AutoCAD 2004 no longer be supported
  70. Change Layer Manager to display Hue, Saturation & Luminance numbers instead of RGB
  71. Export of Print contents of CTB files
  72. Require some Express Tools Files
  73. AutoCAD on a Mac
  74. Some MText characters look thicker than others
  75. Help finding the relevant Block so Layer 1 can be Purged
  76. Working with different Dimension scales and different Viewports scales
  77. Anyone played with changing the defaults of dragp1 & dragp2
  78. MText from AutoCAD 2005 now shows vertical in 2007
  79. How do I change the height of the Command Line
  80. AutoCAD 2007 list of system variables
  81. Re-justify Block insertion point without moving existing Blocks
  82. Dashed Lines in Xref move when plotted
  83. Window not appearing for Opening and Saving commands
  84. Attributes not displaying in AutoCAD 2007
  85. Crosshair colours when working with Solid Hatch Objects in Colour 8
  86. Why are there separate properties inside MTEXT Dialog Box?
  87. Boxes are blank in Multiline Edit Tools dialog box
  88. Select Object first then run command, nothing happens.
  89. SOLPROF for non-solid linework
  90. Drawing moves but dimensions stay put
  91. Does anyone have a Block for a "life ring" PFD and it's mounting block
  92. DWG to PDF function in AutoCAD 2007 - Does it only work with Adobe 7
  93. Clear textscr
  94. Stretch in AutoCAD 2007 appears to conflict with Third Party application CADWorx
  95. Adding a directory full of Hatch patterns to a Tool Palette
  96. Copying Attributes from one drawing (or layout) to another
  97. Is there a quick way within AutoCAD to enter today's date?
  98. DesignCenter automatically opens when AutoCAD is launched and when DWG's are opened
  99. Imported Images appear too light in AutoCAD 2007
  100. Convert Splines to Lines or Plines
  101. AutoCAD 2007 - Working in 3D and Xref insert scale issue
  102. Automatic way of checking for crossing strings in plan view
  103. TEMPLATE in AutoCAD 2007, but 2005 cannot read it
  104. Has anyone developed a replacement group of icons for missing ones in AutoCAD 2007
  105. AutoCAD 2007 Pricing
  106. Dimensions in Paperspace, perform a DimRegen causes some dimensions to move
  107. New Xref Paths not saved
  108. Keyboard speed (quick keys) in AutoCAD 2007
  109. AutoCAD 2007 crashes while trying to save a profile
  110. AutoCAD 2005 - Dimtad not controlling text alignment
  111. view changes when switching tabs
  112. Un-selectable Viewports
  113. AutoCAD 2005 delay when selecting objects
  114. Full drawing path display
  115. Linetypes not displaying
  116. OLE Excel Object- When opeing DWG, click yes or no to update the spreadsheets
  117. Turn off layers in a Xref file, close and re-open. Layers are back on
  118. Reset Properties Palette location
  119. Burst command not working / Looking for stylusbt font file
  120. Layer Properties Manager slow to open completely
  121. Search & Delete asterisk within MText
  122. Batch Standards Checker - finding "X-REFR-(drawing name)" Layers as a problem
  123. Sometimes Tool Palettes are missing when opening AutoCAD
  124. CAD Standards Checker - Layer Translate (laytrans)
  125. Specify base point and magnification of a WMF file when exporting from CAD
  126. Is there a Variable to find the names of all the Modelspace tabs?
  127. Set-up AutoCAD 2005 to automatically run the convertpstyles command
  128. WBlock, Ctrl+C not working in AutoCAD 2000, same drawings work in AutoCAD 2006
  129. Multiple, duplicate objects in drawing
  130. Cannot Recover drawing - AutoCAD 2005 file
  131. Angle Precision
  132. Hand drawn look
  133. Selecting Objects while Zooming
  134. Does anyone have a nice 2d or 3d semi trailer pre drawn?
  135. eTransmit specify default ZIP file location
  136. Proper Way to Draw Arcs from a Survey in AutoCAD
  137. How to attach all Plotter config. files automatically when e-transmitting a drawing
  138. Learning AutoCAD 2007, where to begin
  139. Lineweight issue with Details on same sheet as wall sections
  140. Does anybody use the recent input list on the right click menu?
  141. Layer toolbar pull down no longer lists Layer names alphabetically
  142. Design center - Block thumbnails and previews sometime disappear
  143. AutoCAD 2007, SaveAs 2004 format results in eNotThatKindOfClass message
  144. Order of Attributes in a Block
  145. Application reference missing: AcDbBlockRepETag, to AcDbLine
  146. AutoCAD 2007 - All Objects suddenly display white
  147. MTEXT justification changing
  148. Can AutoCAD R12 open a AutoCAD 2007 dxf file?
  149. Tool palette list doesn't display properly when anchored or docked
  150. AutoCAD 2006 MText & Dimension text suddenly displays faintly
  151. Free utilities from Autodesk - Codepage / CTB & STB
  152. Express tools not working in AutoCAD 2007
  153. Dialog boxes not showing up
  154. Properties dialog box no longer displays correctly
  155. Is there a way to turn off "Xs" leftover from Snaps
  156. Opinions on AutoCAD 2007 and AutoCAD LT 2007
  157. Autocad 2007_Rappel des dernières valeurs
  158. Is there a variable for "recalling last vector entered" in Autocad 2007
  159. Text mysteriously on Layer 0, can't select to delete
  160. Major differences between AutoCAD 2007 & 2006?
  161. DText alignment when inserting new DText object under previous DText object
  162. Insert units won't change
  163. Unable to modify the size of the text in one dimstyle
  164. RText dialogue box not displaying in AutoCAD 2006
  165. Copy and paste not as accurate as wblock?
  166. AutoCAD 2007 - Couple more Hotfixes released
  167. AutoCAD 2005 shuts down unexpectedly since adding ADT 2006 to the mix
  168. Block names in AutoCAD <blockname> -flat-1 appended to the end
  169. Error 1309 on AutoCAD 2007 reinstall
  170. Semantic errors in DCL files
  171. AutoCAD 2005 - Block Attribute = Coordinates?
  172. Looking for a slate roof shingle hatch pattern
  173. Is there a Pac-n-Go command in AutoCAD 2007
  174. Scale drawing from metric to english
  175. Using the ALIGN command to position two buildings on top of one another
  176. Explain the purpose of font mapping
  177. Opening drawings from explorer causes another session of AutoCAD to open
  178. AutoCAD 2006 - work from previous sessions disappearing
  179. Setting out parking lots on an Arc
  180. VTENABLE resets at startup & drawing open
  181. AutoCAD 2007 does not like my 3D R14 DWGs...
  182. Drawing won't load - shuts down AutoCAD
  183. AutoCAD 2007 brings in strange image files when attaching Xref's
  184. AutoCAD 2007 - Set DText default rotation angle back to 0
  185. Aligned dimension, if i pass 91 Degrees the text turns in opposite direction
  186. Does anyone have a few drawings of wood shipping palettes?
  187. Looking for a plan view of a microphone for a public address system
  188. AutoCAD 2007- Inserting Xrefs with same origin?
  189. Stop the help window from opening when I hit the right mouse button
  190. AutoCAD 2007 SP1 - Autodesk product could not be located on your computer...
  191. comment changer de style de tracé
  192. Why is MTEXT so slow?
  193. Arc-aligned text not showing up
  194. Express Tools vs Express Tools vs Express...
  195. DWG does not automatically rotate when setting a new UCS
  196. Convert single line text to multi line text?
  197. Input in degrees, minutes, seconds-how do I?
  198. Dimension (ordinate) objects that do not lie on either the X or Y axis
  199. Can't double-click in viewport
  200. ARX_ERROR: eNotThatKindOfClass
  201. Delete key doesn't work!
  202. Flashing toolbar and selected graphics
  203. Where should I store a custom arrowhead block in AutoCAD 2007?
  204. Sharing AutoCAD 2007 DWG files with AutoCAD 2005 users
  205. Is it possible to use wheel mouse as Zoom in AutoCAD R14
  206. Linetype Displayed Improperly
  207. Is there a way to determine what version of AutoCAD a DWG file was created in?
  208. Looking for a Chain & Sprocket LISP or Blocks
  209. Get Text to appear on top of Solid Hatch using Black & White printer
  210. Circle, trim or fillet in large coordinates
  211. Methods to update Blocks as they are constantly changing
  212. Dist and Bearing going the wrong Direction
  213. Can AutoCAD display a TIFF file that has more than one image attached to it
  214. Export AutoCAD rendering for use in sign graphics?
  215. Embed a Raster image in a DWG file?
  216. Dimensioning to the left or right in AutoCAD R14
  217. Export drawing with a Transparent Background?
  218. Become an AutoCAD superstar!
  219. Dimstyle dialogs with dimvars in PNG format.
  220. Repeat the last command by hitting a single key
  221. AutoCAD 2007 Drawing Units with regarding Blocks and Insert command
  222. Import data from MS Excel into a drawing
  223. Correct way to use Standard *.DWS files
  224. AutoCAD ne se lance pas, est-ce que cette solution marche
  225. Change all Objects of one colour to another colour
  226. Force Save to 2004 DWG format?
  227. AutoCAD 2007 - Draworder appears to have no affect on Solid Hatch Patterns
  228. Macro to insert symbols in Mtext
  229. Bring Excel data in AutoCAD drawings
  230. Strike-through in MText and single line Text
  231. 2007 Crashes with multiple drawings open
  232. Cursor jumps to previous location when starting new command
  233. C++ runtime error messages while moving between Layout tabs
  234. Hide box that appears around imported OLE Object
  235. Tool Palettes on the network
  236. Open DWGs on Windows XP Taskbar
  237. Surface area of a retaining wall
  238. MText and Text command not working in one particular DWG file
  239. Polygon viewports & PDF
  240. AutoCAD 2007 to 2005 - ARX_ERROR: eNotThatKindOfClass
  241. Retaining Selection Between Operations
  242. Automatically number blocks?
  243. List command in inches instead of feet
  244. Rotated Attributed Blocks extract wrong coordinates
  245. Outline of Object missing when Copying
  246. How do you create a reference dimension (i.e. with parenthesis) in AutoCAD 2005?
  247. Can not select objects
  248. Update / Add data in linked Excel Sheets so it automatically updates in AutoCAD
  249. Font will change to another font when opening a drawing
  250. Blocks explode on insertion