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  1. Correctly setting up a Dynamic Block Door to rotate
  2. Metric titleblock does not scale properly
  3. Stretch action and change visibility states at the same time
  4. Scale instead of Stretch
  5. Visibility States list not showing
  6. Extract Dynamic Block Attributes, values change as Block changes
  7. Is there a way to count dynamic blocks and have a table update
  8. Dynamic Block Visuals/Look-ups from Tool Palettes?
  9. Dynamic Block Match Object Layer on insertion from Tool Palette
  10. Interior Elevation Tag
  11. Adding a Lookup to a new block
  12. Changing dyn. block state makes multiple Attrib. changes harder.
  13. Insert Block, allow user to enter data, then have the data placed in a Table
  14. X-Ref Dynamic Blocks ?
  15. Update Block properties, only updates the geometry, it does not change the grips...
  16. Attribute justification problem in dynamic block once flip action has been used
  17. Where can I download free Dynamic Blocks...
  18. Attrubutes & the scale uniformly option
  19. Can Dynamic Block property's be add to a drawn part on screen
  20. Display problem with array action, when controlled by display states
  21. Block Base Point move
  22. Inter Office Dynamic Block Sharing and the use of Tool Palettes
  23. Changing text based on a parameter
  24. Q - Why can't I open files in this forum?
  25. Scale X and Y independently
  26. Rotating attributes independently of a Block
  27. Does anyone have a Dynamic screw Block
  28. DB creation in AutoCAD 2007 - Good or Bad?
  29. Using Dymanic Blocks in CADdtech's Template! block manager
  30. ATP for this wonderful crowd
  31. Timber truss - Span and rise are variable; bracing members remain constant
  32. Q - Can you prevent Field modifications in Dynamic Blocks?
  33. Download Blocks of theater seating?
  34. North Arrows - continuation ....
  35. Stretch cabinet doors so they remain equal
  36. Structural steel dynamic blocks, anyone?
  37. Rotation List/Increment Override?
  38. Multiple Stretch
  39. What is the difference between polar and linear parameters/actions?
  40. Stretch & Flip of Parking Block
  41. Can you have a text entity update according to what the dynamic block does?
  42. Which parameter/action is needed?
  43. AutoCAD LT 2007 and working with Dynamic Blocks
  44. Moving around insert point
  45. Updating existing blocks from Tool Palette
  46. Point Parameter goes wacky if tag in Dynamic Block is rotated
  47. Stretch parameter causing rotate action to misbehave
  48. Changing visibility state of a Dynamic Block upon insertion
  49. Keep Text Objects plan readable as a rotate parameter is used
  50. Dynamic Steelwork Blocks (UK Spec)
  51. How are people handling the scale of callout tags with Dynamic Blocks
  52. DB that I create, is not the DB that gets inserted!!
  53. Stretch Grip 150 feet away from inserted block?
  54. Can text update with stretch command?
  55. How would I make this DB - flange assembly details
  56. point parameters & move actions
  57. Is there a way to display the GRIPs when a DB's Visibility is off?
  58. Rotate and Flip messing with arrayed objects?
  59. Dynamic Block with Wipeout looses draworder setting
  60. Stretch box on both sides equally
  61. Maintain the insertion point whilst stretching the total length
  62. Help with applying multiple Actions to a Dynamic Block
  63. Alignment Parameter and Attribute Rotation
  64. Flip label causes insert points for the move and stretch actions to misbehave
  65. Visisbility Parameter menu way off in space
  66. Cabinet Face Multiple action needed
  67. I want to change the insertion point location of a block as I stretch a line?
  68. Count number of dynamic blocks of different size as seperate items
  69. Sanitary Man-Hole Dynamic Block, need to add a Stretch action
  70. Dynamic Pile Caps
  71. Block Editor moved Block from Modelspace to Paperspace
  72. Lookup grips have stopped working!
  73. Dynamic Block - List of views not available, instead a red arrow is displayed
  74. Re-using Dynamic Blocks to make new ones
  75. Common Attribute amongst a couple visibility states
  76. Having trouble with basic Dynamic Block concepts
  77. Is it possible to have a return in attribute text?
  78. Symetrical Garage doors
  79. Advantage of using Rotate & Mirror parameters with a DB, compared to...
  80. Polar Stretch not working as expected
  81. Link Rotate Actions?
  82. Can you search files for dynamic blocks?
  83. Dynamic Block Implementation and "Authoring Palettes" Vs "Tool Palettes"?
  84. Link Visibility and Lookup in Dynamic Block
  85. Measured dimension text moves when scaled
  86. Dynamic Blocks in a master library drawing, is it the best method
  87. Multiple Insertion Points - is there a toggle to turn it on?
  88. Move the start point of an array
  89. Wanted! Dynamic Steel Angle
  90. Equal spacing of mullions as Dynamic Block is stretched
  91. Is it possible to set-up two visibility parameters within a Dynamic Block
  92. Multiple Visibility States - Is there a better Way?
  93. Add / Allow more than one Visibility State
  94. Attributes not behaving themselves in Dynamic Block section indicator
  95. Polar stretch and Array not working properly with Dynamic Block
  96. Flip Text / Attribute Text in Visibility Mode
  97. Q - Dynamic Blocks and Tool Palettes
  98. Interior Elevation Tag, keep Text readable
  99. lookup field in attribute not behaving...
  100. Christmas holiday Block
  101. Getting Visibility States to work in a Single door Dynamic Block
  102. How to create Dynamic Blocks
  103. Any dynamic block libraries available to purchase?
  104. Sharing dynamic blocks
  105. Using Polor Stretch to Array some items and Rotate them at the same time
  106. Guidance / Instructions on manipulating Dynamic Blocks
  107. Has anyone made a Dynamic Block of an escalator they are able to share
  108. Some DB's from this forums open without a problem, while others do not open
  109. Exit BEDIT with saving, everything in Modelspace is gone
  110. Array stretched objects, keeping fixed value between columns
  111. Keep Object vertical as a different Object is rotated
  112. Polor stretch when radius changes
  113. Flip Text and flip justification at the same time
  114. controlling table information from a dynamic block
  115. 1. Chained action does not stick to increments / 2. Combine Dynamic Blocks together
  116. Rotate not playing nicely with the Stretch command
  117. Change scale uniformly option without redefining the Block
  118. Q - Inserting Blocks through Tool Palettes
  119. Stretch an Object orthogonally after it has been rotated
  120. Drawing Conversion Tool from Autodesk
  121. Hiding Lines within DB's, how do you...?
  122. Apply a scale factor to a scale action as you can with stretch actions?
  123. XY parameter box in need of a varible that allows it to be changed from 90 degrees...
  124. All grips are showing up, even though not all visibility states are active
  125. Dynamic Block - Chain Actions, adding a flip
  126. DB's for steelwork sections based upon the new UK Corus steel sizes.
  127. Dynamic Block door, update text automatically as door is changed
  128. Moving Text Objects relative to base point as other Objects are moved / scaled
  129. Using Flip parameters with Linear parameters?
  130. Dynamic blocks - true polar array, not rectangular
  131. Would be great if you could Copy via grips within Dynamic Blocks
  132. Make a linear stretch or other parameter control the visibility of other entities?
  133. Chain Action-Stretch with Array
  134. Rotating Atttext relative to a block rotation
  135. Is there a way to move the toolbar in block edit mode?
  136. Best way to incorporate multiple pipe faces?
  137. Dynamic Block and Fields and using the Regen command
  138. Text justification and flipped DB's
  139. Window Mullion offset from center
  140. Create new DWG file with DB inside, from another DWG file that contains the DB
  141. Keeping things centered in D-blocks
  142. Stretch the length or width of Dynamic Block Bar Grating
  143. Getting Attributes to display correctly once Dynamic Block is instead more than once
  144. Mutiple tier DB with associative attributes - is it possible?
  145. Is there a way to re-order the way parameters display in the properties palette?
  146. Spacing Objects Equally While Stretching a DB
  147. Start the countdown, cuz it's coming!
  148. Making a U-bolt block dynamic
  149. Parking stalls with handicap parking
  150. Dynamic Blocks.dwg contains authoring elements. Open in Block Editor?
  151. Cross-hairs disappear when viewing Dynamic Blocks
  152. Is there a way to have DB's link to a schedule table?
  153. Can I add a stretch to a rotate?
  154. Reset (re-roder) Attributes in dynamic blocks?
  155. Structural HSS Dynamic Block?
  156. Need to find a block of a buffalo can anyone help?
  157. Title Block & Border Ideas?
  158. Flip Dynamic Block with Attributes does not update insertion points of Attributes
  159. Adding Stretches to different Vis States appear to affect objects in other Vis States
  160. 3D Dynamic Blocks
  161. AutoCAD Table with Dynamic Block properties causes errors in drawing
  162. Dynamic polygon Block with Attribute for area value
  163. Express Tools command CDORDER ruins Dynamic Blocks
  164. Is it possible to transfer Lookup data from one DB to another DB?
  165. Dynamic Block link Fields to Linear Parameters, so they automatically update
  166. Stretch by grip, grip becomes longer than the actual block
  167. Rotate on insertion, keep attributes reading the right way
  168. ...drawing contains authoring elements. Open in block editor?
  169. Array an Object, then Array all those Objects another way
  170. DB Screw need some help rotating an arrayed item
  171. Does anyone know where the Authoring Palette tool images are stored?
  172. Stretch Line along same angle
  173. Anybody Creating Dynamic Blocks in 2008 yet?
  174. Add Stretch action so midpoint of line stays snapped to midpoint of other line
  175. Corrugated Metal Culvert with End Sections - change pipe size causes problems
  176. Adjust linetype scale of one line in the db on a per drawing basis.
  177. Adjust line length as leader is rotated around a hexagon
  178. Joist / Girder block distorts as bigger sizes are selected
  179. Move in increments of 5 and Rotate in increments of 10 degrees
  180. When flipping a Dynamic Block, grips do not flip with the block
  181. Dynamic Block Tutorial DWG file - Do it while you read it
  182. Change the size of the labels for Parameters and Actions in the Block Editor?
  183. Dynamic Blocks.dwg contains authoring elements. Open in Block Editor
  184. Enclosures grows and shrinks with attribute text
  185. Attributes won't rotate in dynamic block
  186. Are dynamic blocks as easy to use in 3D as 2D.
  187. Getting a 2nd polar stretch to work in the same manner as the original one
  188. HEX NUTS
  189. Bends arcs
  190. FYI: DB + v2008 = Bugs
  191. Need help with Dynamic Block Titleblock stretch
  192. Dynamic Block for Steel Beam in Plan View
  193. Parameters will not stay at insertion point
  194. Can a Dynamic Block somehow read a LDT Surface Tin?
  195. Why The #####?
  196. Chained Actions
  197. Look-up array values
  198. Mission Impossible: combining a linear stretch and a polar...
  199. Bi-directional dynamic input stretch bug?
  200. Keep door opening in middle of dynamic lift shaft block
  201. Help with using the Chain parameter
  202. Stretch not working when Rotated
  203. Prevent Text from Flipping when block is Flipped
  204. Correctly setting up lookup parameters to use with a steel joist
  205. Get Attributes to Stretch in a Dynamic Block
  206. Joist Plan DB - Fields not updating when linked with Attributes
  207. Change Attribute value via lookup table ?
  208. Array action in a Chained Parameter is automatically starting before I select
  209. Setting absolute size for Linear Parameter with Midpoint Base Location
  210. Keeping the bottom line red when using the array action
  211. Restore dynamic block features after being opened and saved in AutoCAD 2005
  212. Does AutoCAD 2008 offer Multiple Visibility Parameters?
  213. Moving a block with a point parameter
  214. Keep Angular Dimension displaying constantly in a Dynamic Block
  215. Adding Attributes to Dynamic Blocks and getting them to display
  216. Metal stud at the end of the wall as well as repeat every 16"
  217. Multiple Insertion Points and Visibility States
  218. Unable to select Dynamic Block Handles / Grips
  219. Keep Text Justification when using the Flip Parameter
  220. Dynamic Block scaling with Annotative text
  221. Stretch both ends
  222. Dynamic Block Section Cut Mark not behaving when rotated
  223. Linked Attributes (Fields) not updating when Dynamic Block inserted into another DWG
  224. Array with a "mirror", is that possible?
  225. visibility states by display view
  226. Dynamic block with attributes that display X, Y, and Z values
  227. Switching attributes in different vis states
  228. Dynamic Block FAQ
  229. How to change the distance of Arc?
  230. Dynamic Attribute Move and Orientation
  231. Dynamic Block acts weird when copied to and pasted from clipboard
  232. Is it possible for a Dynamic Block to have multiple Insertion Points
  233. Placing insertion point at mid-point of flange on a steel section
  234. Using Attribute values to control Dynamic Block actions
  235. Ceiling Grid section with Stretch and an Array?
  236. Mimic attribute data (not using fields) in a DB?
  237. Rotate and Stretch Action
  238. Anno Scaling and object sizing
  239. Dynamic Face
  240. Bracket DB
  241. Rotate and Stretch at the same time?
  242. Reset attribute location when visibility state changes
  243. Double Door w/ 45 leafs
  244. Parameter shows far away from block
  245. Attributes don't move...
  246. Help with Dynamic Blocks
  247. Reset Attribute Field Capability
  248. Dynamic Block - Rebar - Any Ideas?
  249. Multiline Attributes in DB's
  250. Dynamic blocks to wblocks